图书标签: 德国 君特·格拉斯 外国文学 德语文学 德国文学 剥洋葱 德语 Günter
Beim Häuten der Zwiebel pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The new book by Günter Grass is an autobiographical narrative. The story he unfolds is set between two of the central historical events of the 20th century, the outbreak of the Second World War on 1September 1939, for Grass the end of his childhood, and the Book Fair of October 1959, which saw one of the most important works of post-war German literature, his novel The Tin Drum, become a world bestseller. In his quest to discover the young man he was then, Grass exposes his memories like an archaeologist, layer by layer.
He brings his personal experience to light without reservation – war and captivity, the post- war years as a farm labourer, in the mines, at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, his first literary successes. A portrait of the author as a young man emerges from the ever new succession of stories revealed by the »onion of memory«. Beim Häuten der Zwiebel is a work of literary research by an author who has never failed to take a stand, raising his voice and bearing witness.
评分说出来也是搞笑,每当我经历一件令我记忆深刻的事时,我都会想想要是以后我写本回忆录的话这件事该怎么记叙。 记忆是怎么样的呢?从上面一句话可以看出,在我看来记忆是暧昧的,是模糊的,因为做一件事的动机往往不是单一的,而是复杂的,是综合考虑过的。那么当我在回忆的时...
评分待他死时,一定会带着这本自传去见上帝,祈求后者因为他的坦诚而给予宽恕。可惜的是,最早享受这种坦白的不是爱他的人,而是他的政敌。那些几十年里被他犀利言辞批判得无地自容的人终于逮到机会口沫四溅一次:“格拉斯不配‘公民的良心’这个称谓!——他曾是个党卫军!” 让...
评分今天中午一个人瞎逛 听着歌,散步 随意的观察周围的人: 几个穿着肥大校服的高中生 玩世不恭的姿态 站在路边吃串儿 一个短头发的女孩 坐在马路伢子上低着头哭 旁边站着一个男人 默默地看着她 一条帅气的哈士奇 甩着尾巴,昂首挺胸 似乎在用一种自豪的眼神 瞥视身边的京巴...
Beim Häuten der Zwiebel pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025