图书标签: 军事 历史 英国 海军 军事史 了了 Nonsuch_Publishing 2005
Campaign of Trafalgar pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In 1910, the revered maritime strategist Sir Julian Stafford Corbett published The Campaign of Trafalgar, with the intent of providing the first ‘staff account’ of the celebrated battle. Beautifully written, and possessed of the historian’s classical precision, Corbett examines the underlying reasoning, both diplomatic and military, that wrought the framework of these famous endeavours.
Corbett examines the various relations of the events of the campaign, from Nelson’s remarkable chase of Admiral de Villeneuve, to Bonaparte’s seemingly reckless unreadiness, and accords them their true place in an over-arching strategy. The intricacies of Pitt’s negotiations are evaluated in the context of England’s most real fears and ambitions, while Corbett considers the delicate balance of England and her allies’ territorial arrangements in the clear light of their colonial concerns.
Crucially, and controversially, The Campaign of Trafalgar puts forward the theory that the campaign’s real importance lay, not so much in preventing an invasion of Britain, but in gaining control of the Mediterranean Seas; to render Britain impregnable was, however, heroism’s just reward.
Julian Corbett (1854-1921) was appointed principal lecturer on history and strategy at the Naval War College at Greenwich in 1902. The Campaign of Trafalgar (1910) was considered his most significant work up to that point. In 1914, he was awarded the Chesney Gold Medal by the Royal United Services Institute. He was a strategic advisor to the Admiralty during the First World War, for which efforts he was knighted in 1917. His works remain an important feature of maritime study.
1854年11月12日,朱利安·斯特福德·科贝特(Julian Stafford Corbett)出生于伦敦城肯宁顿街的沃尔科特宅邸。他的父亲是一位成功的建筑商,在政治理念上奉行自由主义。科贝特自幼生活在富裕的上流社会中,深受家庭氛围的影响。他曾就读于剑桥大学的马尔伯罗学院与三一学院,...
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评分 评分按:本文并非一篇书评。涉及科贝特《特拉法尔加战役》对此战战术的负面评价及其引起的争议,试援引新近研究加以澄清。 1805年10月21日正午,在直布罗陀海峡外侧靠近特拉法尔加角的海面上,英国海军中将霍雷肖·纳尔逊打出了“Engage the enemy more closely”的旗语,向法...
Campaign of Trafalgar pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025