图书标签: 女人来自金星 读书 美国 男人来自火星 电子版 心理学 哲学 2020年
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The bestselling book on communication between women and men released on CD for the first time. Read by the author and designed for repeat listening, this CD tells you all you need to know about members of the opposite sex and how to deal with them for positive, happy relationships. First published in 1993, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus has become an international publishing phenomenon and is one of the most famous non-fiction publications of all time. This lively and accessible guide to successful communication between the sexes is now available on CD for the first time. The book has already helped millions of readers across the globe understand why members of the opposite sex behave the way they do and has increased understanding and communication between men and women. This authoritative guide will help you reach a point of harmony and understanding where both sexes can live, work and love together. Learn: / what makes members of the opposite sex tick / how to understand their verbal and non-verbal language / how to motivate the opposite sex, avoid arguments and get what you want / how to keep your love alive.
遇到一本好书如遇一位挚友,是件令人兴奋的事。一本好书给我们人生带来的帮助和启迪常常是至关重要的,人生因此而引发重大转机的故事可以说比比皆是。 我遇到美国婚姻关系专家John Gray的《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》是1996年春夏之交的事。书是我弟弟强烈推荐并...
评分总是嚼了又嚼的话题 本是不同的 恰到好处的时候 就能粘合了 只是能以宽容的心来包容爱 能容下更多爱的时候 得到还是失去就不重要了 只是承认 偶尔还是会难过 因为心很柔软..
评分再不写我的手就要烧掉了。这么多年过去,我还是很钟爱闺蜜收到的某封情书的第一句。我艳羡着,只期待有一天有一个人,为我而来,为我而书写,万言情书。 书架上有很多很多读了一部分的书,摞起来差不多有半米高。曾一度认为自己有intimacy problem,现在想想只是我想逃避硬应对...
评分午休时,三同事闲聊——一男,一女,再加上我。 我说:最近读了重庆出版社的《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》(白金升级版),终于明白了为什么女人都喜欢聊天,而男人总是旁听,还很不耐烦。 男同事抬了下眼皮:哦。 女同事兴致勃勃:说来听听! 于是我发表高论:因为男性的思...
评分【为什么小别胜新婚?】 据《男人来自火星 女人来自金星》, 男人在亲密关系中会不断处于升温->逃离->升温->逃离…的亲密周期之中, 当男人逃离时应给他留出独处空间,他会自己回归的; 如果在逃离期不给他独处的空间,他可能就永远过不了这个周期而一直处于逃离期。 小别胜新婚...
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025