O Pioneers! pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

O Pioneers!

Willa Cather
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
GBP 4.44
Mass Market Paperback

图书标签: WillaCather  美国文学  英文原版  美国  乡土  文学  Willa_Cather  现代欧美文学   

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One of America’s greatest women writers, Willa Cather established her talent and her reputation with this extraordinary novel—the first of her books set on the Nebraska frontier. A tale of the prairie land encountered by America’s Swedish, Czech, Bohemian, and French immigrants, as well as a story of how the land challenged them, changed them, and, in some cases, defeated them, Cather’s novel is a uniquely American epic.

Alexandra Bergson, a young Swedish immigrant girl who inherits her father’s farm and must transform it from raw prairie into a prosperous enterprise, is the first of Cather’s great heroines—all of them women of strong will and an even stronger desire to overcome adversity and succeed. But the wild land itself is an equally important character in Cather’s books, and her descriptions of it are so evocative, lush, and moving that they provoked writer Rebecca West to say of her: “The most sensuous of writers, Willa Cather builds her imagined world almost as solidly as our five senses build the universe around us.”

Willa Cather, perhaps more than any other American writer, was able to re-create the real drama of the pioneers, capturing for later generations a time, a place, and a spirit that has become part of our national heritage.

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天才女作家的细腻文笔把西进中荒野奔腾翻涌的力量描写得引人入胜:人在改变大地,大地也在塑造人。说到主题她和Kate Chopin的故事有好些相似之处:in search of the self not "out there" but "in here", the idea of individuation, the human relationship as the tragic necessity of human life. 作为课本很期待新学期的课堂讨论。


在考研专业考试阅读书目中的,总算还是看了= =年轻人的爱情渲染很赞,对土地的感情是主基调吧。对不同欧洲移民的描写一如既往亮点啊。


loved it just as i loved the movie


We come and go, but the land is always here. And the people who love it and understand it are the people who own it–for a little while.把Alexandra放在最后一章太让人心碎了


We come and go, but the land is always here. And the people who love it and understand it are the people who own it–for a little while.把Alexandra放在最后一章太让人心碎了



At the bottom of his heart Frank knew well enough that if he could once give up his grudge, his wife would come back to him. but he could never in the world do that. The grudge was fundamental. Perhaps he could not have given it up if he had tried. Perhaps ...  


O Pioneers 英文在线阅读 The first book in Willa Cather's prairie trilogy, O Pioneers! tells the story of a family of Swedish immigrants farming in Hanover, Nebraska. http://www.hellonovles.com/book-1-393-0.html


O Pioneers 英文在线阅读 The first book in Willa Cather's prairie trilogy, O Pioneers! tells the story of a family of Swedish immigrants farming in Hanover, Nebraska. http://www.hellonovles.com/book-1-393-0.html


At the bottom of his heart Frank knew well enough that if he could once give up his grudge, his wife would come back to him. but he could never in the world do that. The grudge was fundamental. Perhaps he could not have given it up if he had tried. Perhaps ...  


首先,当代读者应该明白 这应该是一本以“父老乡亲”为阅读对象的小说 所以这就决定了它情感上务必是通俗甚至有些煽情 在设计上也很简单纯粹 小说以半介入的程度描摹了一群准美国移民的生活图景和他们居住生态的变迁 但是拓荒的经过似乎只是一带而过 拓荒是怎样的筚路蓝缕也只...  

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