圖書標籤: 琥珀的英文版 英文原著 KathleenWinsor 文學 Classics 曼妙 旅行要讀的小說 喜歡之一
Forever Amber pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Abandoned pregnant and penniless on the teeming streets of London, 16-year-old Amber St. Clare manages, by using her wits, beauty, and courage, to climb to the highest position a woman could achieve in Restoration England—that of favorite mistress of the Merry Monarch, Charles II. From whores and highwaymen to courtiers and noblemen, from events such as the Great Plague and the Fire of London to the intimate passions of ordinary—and extraordinary—men and women, Amber experiences it all. But throughout her trials and escapades, she remains, in her heart, true to the one man she really loves, the one man she can never have. Frequently compared to Gone with the Wind, Forever Amber is the other great historical romance, outselling every other American novel of the 1940s—despite being banned in Boston for its sheer sexiness. A book to read and reread, this edition brings back to print an unforgettable romance and a timeless masterpiece.
現在在讀英文專業,想起初中讀過的這本小說 雖然是中文,但印象仍然非常深刻 記得至少讀瞭兩遍 很厚的一本書,至少翻譯成中文真的很厚重。喜歡amber,獨立堅強的女性
評分看完这本书有多少年了?不记得,也许只有当淡忘的不能再忘却了这个时候回来再评价才是恰当的。 人生是什么?命运是什么?琥珀的人生从父母的私奔,父亡母殴开始,无依无靠的小姑娘,也许这就是沉沦的前奏。当琥珀遇见那位当年想娶她母亲而不得的伯爵时,是什么?算什么? 伯鲁给...
評分琥珀值得尊敬吗?值得喜爱吗? 不择手段,毫无廉耻,为了金钱地位不惜杀人灭口,虚荣的不可一世。。 她做的一切是为了赢得爱情还是为了满足虚荣?从她的性格上分析满足虚荣贪欲是一,得到爱情是二 她稍聪明一点就能知道贾爷是深深厌弃那个腐化、淫荡、虚荣的宫廷的,不会要...
評分两部《琥珀》,一部是美国作家凯瑟琳温莎的作品,一部是香港言情作家岑凯伦的作品。两个琥珀的故事,都带着传奇色彩,这传奇,是两个从起初默默无闻的女性到堪称飞黄腾达,这高低之间落差,也就沾染了戏剧色彩。 美版《琥珀》,堪称是查理二世时期,英国社会一幅风情画卷,内在...
Forever Amber pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025