图书标签: 福柯 传记 Foucault 美国 社会学 法国 哲学 英文原版
The Passion of Michel Foucault pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This is a study of Michel Foucault's life in philosophy. Foucault was probably the most influential Western philosopher since Sartre. Hailed as an original thinker, he has also been criticized as a dangerous and irresponsible nihilist. Drawing on extensive research, this book focuses on the philosopher's obsession with death and his taste for sado-masochistic sex. By the author of "Democracy in the Streets".
Based on extensive new research and a bold interpretation of the man and his texts, The Passion of Michel Foucault is a startling look at one of this century's most influential philosophers. It chronicles every stage of Foucault's personal and professional odyssey, from his early interest in dreams to his final preoccupation with sexuality and the nature of personal identity.
James Miller is an American writer and academic. He is known for writing about Michel Foucault, philosophy as a way of life, social movements, popular culture, intellectual history, eighteenth century to the present; radical social theory and history of political philosophy. He currently teaches at The New School.
评分via Allan. “San Francisco makes all gay fantasies come true” lol
评分via Allan. “San Francisco makes all gay fantasies come true” lol
倘说《疯癫与文明》、《性史》、《规训与惩罚》这样的书名已经让人过目难忘了,比这更引人注目的是“米歇尔·福柯”这个名字本身。他一度被奉为学术界的典范,是反抗精神的守护神,当然也不乏对他个人生活的刺探。人们好奇这万里挑一的灵魂住在怎样乖张的身体里。 福柯若有知,...
评分在寂静的法国梧桐下是写不出《性史》的,只有在一种体验式的探求生活中,福柯用最深入的方式“发现”社会与人的历史中被遮掩的奥秘。在权力意志的信仰之下,“成为自己”只有通过自我实践的方式。而正如勒内·夏尔所写的,“他们探索这一奥秘。生活杀死他们。” 不管福柯是否...
评分读人文学科的学生对福柯并不会陌生。我还记得大二的一节必修理论课上,第一节课教授就让我们读福柯的那一篇名作:“nietzsche genealogy history”(尼采、谱系学、历史)。一学期我们都被福柯、后现代与后殖民的理论弄得晕头转向。朋友跟我抱怨,“后现代到底是什么啊?!说来...
评分我承认,是书名中的“Passion”一词吸引了我。更兼中译本搞成“生死爱欲”,一副八卦小报派头。但这却都是幌子,整本书其实是以很严谨的资料在说话。除了福柯生平的事迹,更多的是对其思想的溯源与作品的解析。这是一本严肃甚至太过严肃的传记作品 (如果本书定位为传记作品的话...
The Passion of Michel Foucault pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025