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How to Travel with a Salmon pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
'Between a bottle of Epsom salts or one of twenty-year-old cognac, which would you choose? Would you rather spend your vacation with an eighty-year old leper or with Demi Moore? Do you prefer being sprinkled with ferocious red ants or sharing a sleeping compartment with Claudia Schiffer?' From the celebrated author of The Name of the Rose, here is a dazzling compendium of advice offering the correct answers to these and many other important questions. Tackling topics as diverse as the coffee pot from hell, eating on an aeroplane, how not to use a cellular phone and recognising porn movies, Umberto Eco guides us with all his customary wit and brilliance through the complexities of the modern world.
安伯托·艾柯(Umberto Eco)是一位享誉世界的哲学家、符号学家、历史学家、文学批评家和小说家。艾柯极为博学多才,他的作品有140多种,横跨多个领域,并在这些领域中都有经典性的建树。艾柯还是位积极的公共知识分子,他为多家报纸撰写专栏,透过日常小事进行社会批评。他在欧洲已成为知识和教养的象征,许多家庭都会收藏他的作品,无论读懂或读不懂。在我国,艾柯也逐步产生越来越大的影响。
very witty!
评分superb! 讀完又讀,仍然會咧開嘴笑
评分superb! 讀完又讀,仍然會咧開嘴笑
彷讽时代 艾伯托在序言里讲到他对自己这些小文章的看法,译者将其称为是“文学彷讽”(literary pastiche)。这个词听起来很陌生,因此艾伯托的原意尚需要认真考察一番。 维基百科对literary pastiche一词是这样解释的:“the term denotes a literary technique employing a...
评分昂伯托•艾柯是著名的难懂。我在出版社工作时想引进他的代表作品《 傅科摆 》,遍求意大利语翻译,人人脑袋摇得像拨浪鼓。这位世界超一流记号学专家,在小说里布满名目繁多的陷阱,别说翻译了,读一遍下来也是懵懵懂懂,身心俱疲。但他就像一个古怪精灵,愈怪愈迷人。 所幸...
评分没想到,这么大腕的艾柯居然这么耍宝!《带着鲑鱼去旅行》让人从头笑到尾,当然,除了有那么一两篇还需要细细嚼。很少看到一位作者的文集能够做到几十篇文章风格与水准如此统一,尤其是如此统一的高级的幽默,厉害的是,艾柯这家伙做到了。 需要澄清的是,统一不意味...
评分1. Flip through the book and read anyone that happens to show up --> you will think you are reading a totally different book from time to time. 2. Look at the table of content and read those articles started with a how --> What a cunning writer, but sound...
评分我想开始一季“轻松阅读”,便专门发了一个求荐书的帖子。朋友们的推荐之中便有这本《带着鲑鱼去旅行》。带着鲑鱼去旅行,这句话本身就是一种愉快的吸引。既然如此,我的“轻松阅读”何不就从《带着鲑鱼去旅行》开始呢~ 《带着鲑鱼去旅行》,也是一本小集子。由42则小文组成...
How to Travel with a Salmon pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024