圖書標籤: 澳大利亞 ColleenMcCullough 文學 英文原版 英文原著 小說 女性文學 英文
The Thorn Birds pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Now, 25 years after it first took the world by storm, Colleen McCullough's sweeping family saga of dreams, titanic struggles, dark passions, and forbidden love in the Australian Outback returns to enthrall a new generation. As powerful, moving, and unforgettable as when it originally appeared, it remains a monumental literary achievement –– a landmark novel to be read . . . and read again! </P>
考琳·麥卡洛(Colleen McCullough, 1937- ),澳大利亞當代女作傢。1977年,她以自己全部的生活積纍,創作齣版瞭嘔心瀝血之作《荊棘鳥》。作品一齣版便引起轟動,不但拍成電影廣為流傳,而且翻譯成二十多種文字在世界各地齣版,成為當代世界最暢銷的小說之一。
評分Maybe it's a moving story, so everyone says, but the way the author tells it is sooooo boring. It lost me in the first few chapters and never gained my heart.
評分Touched till its presence, while the feeling will never vanish. An unpredicable life, a book filled with love...stipulation or randomness? It's up to our own decision, to choose the one we love, the accountability we bear.
評分Still we do it.人物塑造與心理神作
評分Maybe it's a moving story, so everyone says, but the way the author tells it is sooooo boring. It lost me in the first few chapters and never gained my heart.
这是我高中时候看过的一本书,印象极深.太令人窒息的感情,太沉重的负担.当梅吉眼见自己的儿子走上同样的神父道路的时候,心里会不会有嘲笑自己的成分呢. 也许注定了,得到就要偿还.这是这本书告诉我的.
評分在阅读速度20几万字/天的时候,《荆棘鸟》我读了一个月。不是她艰涩,而是舍不得,舍不得那么快就翻到最后一页,是害怕--害怕读完之后,很长一段时间的失落。 读中文系是挺惭愧的一件事,高中不爱读“世界名著”,换言之,就是中文非其母语的作家写出来的文字,虽然让我读...
評分 評分其实一直以来,我都对名著理解无能。一方面我自己读的书委实少,另一方面一本书一旦被赋予了名著的光环,我就不由得对其抱有着巨大的期望,觉得名著应该写成荡气回肠催人泪下感人至深由表及里深刻抨击再不然妙语连珠都行。既然有了这种想法,当然这本书《荆棘鸟》在我眼...
The Thorn Birds pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024