图书标签: 英文原版 小说 美国 外国文学 经典 英文 Stowe harriet
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Uncle Tom, Topsy, Sambo, Simon Legree, little Eva: their names are American bywords, and all of them are characters in Harriet Beecher Stowe's remarkable novel of the pre-Civil War South. Uncle Tom's Cabin was revolutionary in 1852 for its passionate indictment of slavery and for its presentation of Tom, "a man of humanity," as the first black hero in American fiction. Labeled racist and condescending by some contemporary critics, it remains a shocking, controversial, and powerful work -- exposing the attitudes of white nineteenth-century society toward "the peculiar institution" and documenting, in heartrending detail, the tragic breakup of black Kentucky families "sold down the river." An immediate international sensation, Uncle Tom's Cabin sold 300,000 copies in the first year, was translated into thirty-seven languages, and has never gone out of print: its political impact was immense, its emotional influence immeasurable.
林肯总统对这本书的评价是这样的:《汤姆叔叔的小屋》直接导制了南北战争。虽然有些夸张,但并非虚言。 其实这部小说从故事情节上讲并没有多么扣人心弦,换个角度,如果这本书放在今天出版,其影响力说不定连红火一时的网络小说都不如,正是因为在当时的情况下,作为一个敏感题...
评分我是不会写东西的,在这写书评无疑就是把自己当靶子,就像圣·克莱尔先生那样,只批驳别人却不设自己的立场,大概才更符合我的性格。 这本书,我八岁开始看,看过许多版本,少年时有缩略的--我极度痛恨的版本,后来看完整的译文,高二时看了原版。这本书从不离开我...
评分虽说不能以现在的目光来完全否定一部作品。但是现在再读这本书,我本人已经不是那个小学生,而且也脱离了当时南北战争的背景,我读的是经典译林版本,也许是翻译的缘故(不过经典译林的应该不会有什么问题),它的文笔给我一种幼儿读物的感觉 作者能看到问题并写出还是很不容易...
评分曾经的奴隶制度让我感觉到后怕,这似乎是人类野蛮的行为,如何会出现在一个高度文明的国家。这不禁让我想起了可耻的日侵华事件,民族可以原谅却永远不能释怀,伤疤总会结痂,但想起总会隐隐作痛。 一个人的灵魂和肉体经过无数次的贱卖,使多少妻离子散,多少...
Uncle Tom's Cabin pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025