图书标签: 历史 德国 英语 叙事
Berlin 1961 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
A fresh, controversial, brilliantly written account of one of the epic dramas of the Cold War-and its lessons for today.
"History at its best." -Zbigniew Brzezinski
"Gripping, well researched, and thought-provoking, with many lessons for today." -Henry Kissinger
"Captures the drama [with] the 'You are there' storytelling skills of a journalist and the analytical skills of the political scientist." - General Brent Scowcroft
In June 1961, Nikita Khrushchev called it "the most dangerous place on earth." He knew what he was talking about.
Much has been written about the Cuban Missile Crisis a year later, but the Berlin Crisis of 1961 was more decisive in shaping the Cold War-and more perilous. For the first time in history, American and Soviet fighting men and tanks stood arrayed against each other, only yards apart. One mistake, one overzealous commander-and the trip wire would be sprung for a war that would go nuclear in a heartbeat. On one side was a young, untested U.S. president still reeling from the Bay of Pigs disaster. On the other, a Soviet premier hemmed in by the Chinese, the East Germans, and hard-liners in his own government. Neither really understood the other, both tried cynically to manipulate events. And so, week by week, the dangers grew.
Based on a wealth of new documents and interviews, filled with fresh- sometimes startling-insights, written with immediacy and drama, Berlin 1961 is a masterly look at key events of the twentieth century, with powerful applications to these early years of the twenty- first.
[美] 弗雷德里克·肯普,大西洋理事会总裁兼首席执行官。此前在《华尔街日报》担任记者、专栏作家和编辑超过二十五年,是该报首席外交记者、驻柏林分社社长、欧洲版《华尔街日报》副社长。他之前的著作有《与独裁者分手:美国和诺列加的纷争》《西伯利亚的奥德赛:俄罗斯的心灵之旅》《父亲和祖国:新德国的私人探访记》。大西洋理事会是美国东部传统“大西洋主义者”重要的民间政策研究和协调机构,由己故前国务卿克里斯琴·赫脱和威尔·克莱顿等人发起和创建的。目前是华盛顿较为重视的对华研究的主流思想库之一。
其实我没读完T_T文笔通俗易懂适合非native speaker看呀~
评分其实我没读完T_T文笔通俗易懂适合非native speaker看呀~
评分History at its best. 经济学人2011政治类好书。译稿审核进行时^^
版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:至爱梵高(来自豆瓣) 来源:https://www.douban.com/note/719876169/ 60年前的柏林,是苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫眼中“西方国家的睾丸”。那个柔软的地方,被用力地挤压着…… 第一回合 艾森豪威尔 VS 赫鲁晓夫 1959年9月,赫鲁晓夫...
评分偶然翻到了当初在柏林拍的Checkpoint Charlie 的照片 真是感慨 当初的我 虽然站在了这个冷战时期的历史遗产面前 却没有太多汹涌的情绪 因为那个时候我还不知道 在柏林墙建立的那一年 竟有兵戎相见的冷酷对峙发生在柏林墙的其中一个哨点 查理检查哨 炮口对炮口 枪口对枪口 核战...
评分这是我今年看过的到目前为止最好的一本书。 一直都不大喜欢看关于近代史的书,总觉得作者因为时代的原因可能不是太过于客观,之前看过最好的书莫过于威廉夏伊勒的《第三帝国的兴亡》,而这次的这本《柏林 1961》让我眼前一亮,非常好的近代历史的书籍。 对于柏林墙这一段历史...
评分当肯尼迪眨眼 By CHARLES MCCARRY @欢乐的方脑壳 译 那些景仰约翰·肯尼迪亚瑟王一般形象的读者,读过了这本考证严谨、文采飞扬的书后恐怕会心痛不已,书里描写了肯尼迪在上任第一年和赫鲁晓夫在对决之中的受辱折翼。而另一些读者,看到弗雷德里克·肯普一点点消解了肯尼迪一...
评分黄艾禾/文 我们都知道德国首都柏林曾有一道“柏林墙”,它修起来30年后,又被拆了。它修起来的年代,我懵懵懂懂,只知道世界被分为了“社会主义阵营”和“资本主义阵营”,我们是属于前者的;它被拆了的时候,我们听说,冷战结束了。 《柏林1961:肯尼迪、赫...
Berlin 1961 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024