图书标签: RichardDawkins 鸟 自然 科普 法国文学 宝书
Greatest Show on Earth pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
With this tremendous follow-up to his blockbuster The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins takesadvocates of intelligent design by the scruff of the neck and unfolds the evidence for evolution with characteristicpanache.In 2008, a gallup poll showed that 44% of Americans polled believed God had created man in his present form within the last 10,000 years. In a PewForum poll in the same year, 42% of those polled believed that all life on earth has existed in its present form since the beginning of time. In this environment, inwhichCreationism is being taught in schools and educators are being asked to ''teach the controversy'' behind evolution, a delightfully exasperated Dawkins has decided totell us how it all really works. In visceral, crystalline prose, Dawkins sets up each creationist objection to evolutionand takes it to task,bit by bitdestroying the idea that the natural worldneeded an intelligent designer.But this is more than an argument.Thisis a thrilling tourinto our distant past and into the interstices of all life on earth. Taking us through the case for evolution step-by-step, Dawkins looks at DNA, selective breeding, anatomical similarity, molecular family trees, geography, fossils vestiges and imperfections, the stages of human evolution, and theformula for a strong scientific theory -- tearing down the Intelligent Design theory in the process. This will be the last word in the evolution debate, and it will add the legions of God Delusion readersto the already science-hungry audience who bought the latest Steven Pinkeror devoured Bill Bryson’s The History of Nearly Everything. The God Delusion stimulated, even set the terms of, one of the world’s most vigorous public debates: the question of God’sexistence. The Greatest Show on Earth will provide readers with the tools to join this vital debate effectively.And Dawkins’ infectious passion for the world’s beauty will convert all but the most doctrinaire creationists.
理查德•道金斯(Richard Dawkins),1941年3月26日生,英国皇家科学院院士,牛津大学教授,著名科普作家,生物学家。2001年当选为英国皇家学会院士。2005年英国《前景》杂志会同美国《外交政策》杂志网络调查,评选出在世的全球100名最有影响力的公共知识分子之一。他是英国最重要的科学作家,几乎每本书都是畅销书,并经常在各大媒体引起轰动。他的畅销书中,于1976年出版的《自私的基因》为最重要的代表作,他的基因观念,颠覆了我们对自身的幻觉,深刻影响了整整一个时代。
评分carbon dating那一整章都在灌水
地球上最伟大的表演,理查德·道金斯,中信出版股份有限公司 这本书看似只是阐述和证明进化论,但其实,它是在探讨科学和信仰。字里行间,作者都试图用极其严密的逻辑来阐明为何进化论是值得信赖的,而宗教是如何反进化论的。由作者看来,宗教赫然站立在了科学的对立面。宗教...
评分可能是阅读倾向的问题,对我来说这本书相比《自私的基因》可读性要高的多——虽然是接近30W字的长篇幅科普读物,读起来却非常顺畅,连作者的零星的幽默感我也很好的get√了。 个人觉得良好的阅读感不光来自作者成熟的写作风格,更多是得益于作者良好的逻辑思维能力,在对神创论...
评分道金斯的书真是科普啊,讲了年轮测年法,放射性元素测年法(以前不明白起始条件,另外还有放射性元素是按照一个固定的概率,多长时间多少百分比的,现在的问题是放射性元素为什么会是这样一种行为模式)。 还有同样的DNA是怎么让分裂出来的每个细胞表现出不同的形态而构成整个...
评分这本书完全是当作一本科普书而读的,作者围绕进化是一个无可回避的事实而进行探讨。 它分以下几个目录: 第一章 只是一个理论? 第二章 狗,牛和白菜 第三章 报春花的宏进化之路 第四章 安静与缓慢的时间 第五章 就发生在我们眼前 第六章 缺失的环...
Greatest Show on Earth pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025