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Agnes Grey pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Anne Brontë's first novel, Agnes Grey , combines an astute dissection of middle-class social behavior and class attitudes with a wonderful study of Victorian responses to young children which has parallels with debates about education that continue to this day. In writing the novel, Brontë drew on her own experiences, and one can trace in the work many of the trials of the Victorian governess, often stranded far from home, and treated with little respect by her employers, yet expected to control and educate her young charges. Agnes Grey looks at childhood from nursery to adolescence, and it also charts the frustrations of romantic love, as Agnes starts to nurse warmer feelings towards the local curate, Mr. Weston. Sally Shuttleworth's fascinating introduction considers the book's fictional and narrative qualities, its relationship with Victorian child-rearing and the responsibilities of parents, and the changing attitudes to the book influenced by modern concerns for children's rights. The new edition includes a revised and updated bibliography as well as revised notes drawing on the latest critical material.
評分My FIRST English novel!!! LOVE you @ Leo&Hepburn!!
在清明旅游途中的火车上翻完了这本书,总体来说比我预期的好,文笔轻快流畅,毫不矫揉造作,这样一种特质使得这么没有营养的情节都美好了许多。 大部分识字的人,都会或多或少有过那么点想写点东西的时候,或是表达自己经世治国,传道授业的思想,或是展现自己丰富的...
評分开始时每天读一点点。行文没什么激情,情节上也没有特别抓人的元素,也不知道作者到底要写什么。简直要半途而废了。 幸而翻了一遍译者的序言,分析得很透彻,一语中的。就是作者那种现实主义的创作思想,更贴近普通读者的灵魂。 撇去了偏见再接着读,感觉就不一样了。主人公的...
評分在清明旅游途中的火车上翻完了这本书,总体来说比我预期的好,文笔轻快流畅,毫不矫揉造作,这样一种特质使得这么没有营养的情节都美好了许多。 大部分识字的人,都会或多或少有过那么点想写点东西的时候,或是表达自己经世治国,传道授业的思想,或是展现自己丰富的...
評分未读之前,我以为她是一个长期患哮喘病、性格偏内向和沉思的弱女子,文字哀戚悲苦,纵然能让人触目伤怀,但踯躅于自我情感的抒发或沉重的反思和说教,作品即使有吸引力,也不会让我对作者有什么景仰之感。 书不厚,开头也不是一大段迷人的景物描写,她似乎不急于要...
評分读书笔记14:阿格尼斯·格雷 三姐妹都死于肺结核,小妹妹安妮最早走,在身前艾米丽和安妮的著作都不受关注,大姐虽然出了名,经济上也没有太多的改善。相比起,后来呼啸山庄的声名突起,安妮的这本小册子始终不温不火,更多时候是两个姐姐的点缀。 小妹妹的风格跟姐姐们差别很...
Agnes Grey pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025