圖書標籤: 歐洲 小說 英文原版 感興趣
The Drowned and the Saved pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Shortly after completing THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED, Primo Levi committed suicide. The matter of his death was sudden, violent and unpremiditated, and there were some who argue that he killed himself because he was tormented by guilt - guilt that he had survived the horrors of Auschwitz while others, better than he, had gone to the wall. THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED is Levi's impassioned attempt to understand the 'rationale' behind the concentration camps, was completed shortly before his tragic death in 1987. THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED dispels the myth that Primo Levi forgave the Germans for what they did to his people. He didn't and couldn't forgive. He refused, however, to indulge in what he called 'the bestial vice of hatred' which is an entirely different matter. The voice that sounds in his writing is that of a reasonable man...it warns and reminds us that the unimaginable can happen again. A would-be tyrant is waiting in the wings, with 'beautiful words' on his lips. The book is constantly impressing on us the need to learn from the past, to make sense of the senseless' PAUL BAILEY
普裏莫·萊維 (Primo Levi,1919—1987) 意大利最重要的作傢、化學傢以及奧斯維辛174517號囚犯,這兩種身份與經曆建立瞭他寫作的基礎。 萊維1919年齣生於意大利都靈,1944年因參與反法西斯運動被捕,後被遣送至奧斯維辛集中營。戰爭結束後,他迴到故 鄉都靈生活。1987年自殺身亡。他的作品曾被選入意大利語文教材,涉及詩歌、小說、迴憶錄等各個領域。著有《活在奧斯維辛》(Survival in Auschwitz)、《再度覺醒》(The Reawakening)、《緩刑時刻》(Moments of Reprieve)、《元素周期錶》(The Periodic Table)、《如果不是現在,那麼何時?》(If Not Now, When?)、《猴子的憂傷》(The Monkey’s Wrench)等。《被淹沒和被拯救的》(The Drowned and the Saved)是他生前完成的最後一部著作。
The tormented will remain tormented.
評分The tormented will remain tormented.
評分The tormented will remain tormented.
評分The tormented will remain tormented.
評分The tormented will remain tormented.
看到他写人类喜欢简化复杂的情境,将一切标以黑白胜负对错,竟不自视自身灰色的存在,我几乎鼓掌了。鲁迅先生所描绘的人不只在中国。自私是人共有的特征。让处在'survival'模式的人活下来。但事后的忏悔却会啃噬优裕正直的人类灵魂。 犯罪心理有一集,前连环杀手的女儿作为FBI...
評分原创微信公众号:阿轩的一千零一夜 微博:丑娃阿轩 欢迎朋友们关注我,我们一起读书 今天,我要为你们介绍一位作家。 对我来说写书评更简单一些,毕竟看完一本书总会有一些心得,书里的文字也能带给我灵感。如果要用一整篇文章去介绍一位素味平生的人,我脑海中浮现的第一个人...
The Drowned and the Saved pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025