Quarkxpress 5 for Macintosh and Windows pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
When it comes to page-layout design, QuarkXPresss is the undisputedworldwide leader. But even leaders must adapt to change or riskobsolescence. QuarkXPress 5 proves up to the challenge, facing the newmillennium with new tools and a redefined mission: Create a document onceand publish it anywhere. Whether you're a page-layout novice or an old handlooking to learn new tricks, there's no better or faster introduction tothis revamped classic than QuarkXPress 5 for Windows and Macintosh:Visual QuickStart Guide. The patented Visual QuickStart format makes it easy to learn version5's essential tools and features. Step-by-step directions and helpfulscreenshots walk you through each task; page tabs turn the book into aindispensable quick-reference guide for beginners and pros alike.QuarkXPress 5: VQS starts with a guided tour of the interface,contextual menus, and other tools, then covers everything you need to knowabout page layout and design, including new table and Layers features.Onceyou have a solid grounding in the basics, you can move on to more advancedtopics, such as exporting your document as a Web page or XML, addinghyperlinks, and using version 5's expanded scripting features (includingAppleScript and Color Management System XTensions).
Quarkxpress 5 for Macintosh and Windows pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025