图书标签: MauriceBlanchot 布郎肖 小说 莫里斯·布朗肖 法国 死亡 外国文学 Blanchot
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Before Sartre, before Beckett, before Robbe-Grillet, Maurice Blanchot created the 'new novel, ' the ultimate post-modern fiction. Written between 1932 and 1940, Blanchot's first novel, here brilliantly translated by Robert Lamberton, contains all the remarkable aspects of his famous and perplexing invention, 'the ontological narrative'--a tale whose subject is the nature of being itself. This paradoxical work discovers being in the absence of being, mystery in the absence of mystery, both to be searched for limitlessly. As Blanchot launches this endless search in his own masterful way, he transforms the possibilities of the novel. First issued in English in 1973 in a limited edition, this re-issue includes an illuminating essay on translation by Lamberton.
莫里斯·布朗肖(Maurice Blanchot),法国著名作家、思想家,1907年生于索恩-卢瓦尔,2003年逝世于巴黎。布朗肖一生行事低调,中年后不接受采访与摄影,但他的作品和思想影响了整个法国当代思想界,对法国许多大知识分子和大作家如乔治·巴塔耶、列维纳斯、萨特、福柯、罗兰·巴特、德里达等都影响深远。
评分he perceived all the strangeness there was in being observed by a word as if by a living being, and not simply by one word, but by all the words that were in that word, by all those that went with it and in turn contained other words, like a procession of angels opening out into the infinite to the very eye of the absolute.
评分he perceived all the strangeness there was in being observed by a word as if by a living being, and not simply by one word, but by all the words that were in that word, by all those that went with it and in turn contained other words, like a procession of angels opening out into the infinite to the very eye of the absolute.
[法]阿尔贝·加缪 《黑暗托马》(Thomas l'Obscur)。托马身上那种让安娜为之着迷的,是蕴藏在他里面的死亡。她的爱因此是形而上的。于是她才能在临死前摆脱了对他的迷恋。那一刻她终于明白我们的爱来自于未知。所以说,死亡是我们唯一的知识。但这样的知识其实也无益:它再也...
评分【14年初读笔记,多谬伪,已改入18年布朗肖论:[https://www.douban.com/note/693107156/]】 布朗肖开始不停地说话。他无法抛弃语言,他可能会想起德加和马拉美。 “有一天德加对马拉美说:‘你的行业是恶魔的行业。我没有办法说出我所要说到词语,然而我有很丰富的思想。’马...
评分尼采有言:“当你在凝望深渊时,深渊也在凝望你。”20世纪的作家们深谙此言。熟识现代派路数的读者们,早不陌生凝视深渊乃至被深渊凝视的经验。虚无与死亡的经验横尸于页码之间,逐渐将读者凝视的目光,不知不觉转变为读者或失魂落魄、或惊心动魄的经验。 萨拉·凯恩的剧本《4....
评分这永恒的空无…… ——关于布朗肖的《黑暗托马》 须弥/文 ……在不知是由海水还是语言所旋起的涡流之起伏中,你被带入了一片不真实、不确定的氛围(这是何处?你是何人?)……你看见了,你什么也没有看见,一种无否定、无肯定的缺无充斥着你的视线,你感觉到了,你什么也没...
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