The Perfumed Garden pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Perfumed Garden - for the Repose of the Mind is a classic work of Arab erotica offering a uniquely entertaining collection of tales, frank and sound advice on sexual relations, and a poetic style of great literary merit. This is a book which delights in the humorous possibilities of sexual expression, and treats these in an urbane style reminiscent of Chaucer and Boccaccio. Also included in the first illustrated edition is a remarkable collection--previously unpublished--of early Mughal and other rare erotic paintings. Reproductions of exquisite tilework and friezes offer a rare glimpse of the Arabian palaces and harems that provide much of the inspiration for the original text. Over 50 full-color illustrations.
理查.波頓爵士(Sir Richard Burton,1821-1890)
英國探險家、人類學家、詩人與翻譯家。他是第一位發現非洲坦干伊喀湖(Lake Tanganyika)的歐洲人,考察過索馬利蘭的回教聖城哈勒爾(Harar),穿過當時的禁地麥加和麥地那城。在語言和文學上造詣尤深,一生中學會25種語言,加上各地方言共達40種之多,是當時數一數二的語言學家。1886年,維多利亞女王為表彰其對大英帝國服務功績,賜予他聖米格爾及聖喬治二等爵士勛位。他長期收集亞非等地的情色典籍,並譯成近30卷作品,包括全套16卷的《天方夜譚》、《印度愛經》、《波斯愛經:芬芳花園》等。
編寫:菲利普.敦(Philip Dunn)
早期曾在西藏佛學院研習,離開寺院後便開始進修法律。他經常興之所至地到世界各地旅行,橫跨了印度全境與遠東區域,而遇到了克里希納穆提(Krishnamurti)、奧修(Osho)、達約翰(Da Free John)以及許多靈性導師。。
The Perfumed Garden pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025