Bleak House pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"The one great principle of the English law is, to make business for itself." Jarndyce and Jardyce is an infamous lawsuit that has been in process for generations. Nobody can remember exactly how the case started but many different individuals have found their fortunes caught up in it. Esther Summerson watches as her friends and neighbors are consumed by their hopes and disappointments with the proceedings. But while the intricate puzzles of the lawsuit are being debated by lawyers, other more dramatic mysteries are unfolding that involve heartbreak, lost children, blackmail, and murder. This highly critical look at the flaws of the British judiciary system contains the illustrations by Phiz that are found in the original editions.
小说一开始就写了伦敦那笼罩和无人不被压入其间、令人窒息的雾,通篇诵读之后会让人恍然大悟——这雾就是维多利亚时代英国司法的象征。小说主体内容是围绕着一桩诉讼案来阐述的。 大法官庭围绕着贾迪斯控贾迪斯这桩历史遗留下来的诉讼案,在整部小说里若隐若现,故事里所有人都...
评分 评分这书能够再版,读者有福了。狄更斯如果选一部代表作,其他好多部在今天都有所褪色,唯独这部至今仍然光芒万丈,这部才担当得起代表作。 以下是多年前写的: 这等巅峰之作,何以无人问津?正如《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》是陀思妥耶夫斯基的巅峰之作,《荒凉山庄》是狄更斯的巅峰之作。...
评分太宽厚了,太多慰藉了,看透的多戳穿的少,始终留着一份克制,这是我感觉到的狄更斯。 至于笔法,有一点年代感了,尤其是身处纷繁复杂的信息化时代并习惯了意识流之后,狄更斯显得那么简单,但也因简单而显现了信念的力量。还有谁比书中的人物更纯粹呢? 读完之后一直在想,还...
评分雾笼罩着厄色克斯郡的沼泽,雾笼罩着肯德郡的高地。雾爬进煤船的厨房;雾躺在大船的帆桁上,徘徊在巨舫的桅樯绳索之间。 到处是雾。 这是一个充满灰暗色调的开场,沉沉的雾气漂浮在每一个角落,像极了底层人民黑暗压抑、看不到希望的生活。狄更斯极其擅长讽刺,无论是坐落在浓...
Bleak House pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025