圖書標籤: 英國 有聲書 小說 Tolkien MartinShaw J.R.R.托爾金 J.R.R.Tolkien Audiobook
The Silmarillion [Audiobook] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Although The Silmarillion takes place in the same imaginary world as J.J.R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and was originally published four years after the author's death and over two decades after the former book, it is set much earlier, in the First Age of the World. The tales and the book which reads as a fusion between a story collection and historical chronicle, are a matter of legend even to the characters of The Lord of the Rings:
In the beginning Eru, the One, who in the Elvish tongue is named Ilúvatar, made the Ainur of his thought; and they made a great Music before him
Tolkien wrote the heart of this material very early in his career, and continued to work on it throughout his life. It fell to his son, Christopher Tolkien, to edit it into book form, and such proved the unquenchable public appetite that he subsequently oversaw 12 volumes of The History of Middle-Earth. This edition features 20 highly evocative colour plates by Ted Nasmith, themselves worth the price of admission, while reinforcing the sense of a historical work are genealogical tables, an extensive index, appendix and colour map. Far removed from the genial style of The Hobbit, this is Tolkien at his most formal, his prose austere, poetically beautiful, his storytelling capturing the epic scale, high drama and melancholy wonder of myth. These stories of elves and heroes and old gods are quite literally the foundation of the entire modern fantasy-publishing revival, and are therefore essential reading. --Gary S. Dalkin -
J.R.R. 托爾金(J.R.R.Tolkien),英國文豪,天纔的語言學傢,生於1892年1月3日,1925年開始擔任牛津大學教授。他創造瞭一係列膾炙人口的中洲世界史詩,影響最為深遠的是《霍比特人》和《魔戒》。這兩部巨作,被譽為當代奇幻作品的鼻祖。1972年3月28日,托爾金獲英國女王伊利莎白二世頒發的大英帝國指揮官勛章。
本文写于《精灵宝钻》英文版诞生之时。 《精灵宝钻》在作者过世四年后的今天,终于得以出版。它讲述的是有关远古时代的故事,那段时期亦可称为世界的第一纪元。《魔戒》叙述的是第三纪元末那些轰轰烈烈的事迹,《精灵宝钻》中的传奇故事则是源自久远得多的过去,彼时首代黑暗...
評分 評分J.R.R. Tolkien 的小说中令人熟知的有“魔戒传奇”(Lord of Rings),拍成了电影。另外几本书是“The Hobbit”,“The Silmarillion”和“The Children Of Hurin”. 我看过这四本书中的三本,只有“The Hobbit”没有看过。我被Tolkien的书迷住了,其实他的书中充满了想象的历史,...
評分我买之前对版本上网问过,貌似之前的翻译版本已经烂的登峰造极了。 所以一直等邓嘉宛的这版,一出就马上去亚马逊买了,本人虽然不如好多大大对魔戒这么了如指掌,不过也算是有一点了解了吧,看起来挺好的,大部分翻译人名和地名虽然有一些出入,不过可以接受吧,个别单词不好翻...
評分本文写于《精灵宝钻》英文版诞生之时。 《精灵宝钻》在作者过世四年后的今天,终于得以出版。它讲述的是有关远古时代的故事,那段时期亦可称为世界的第一纪元。《魔戒》叙述的是第三纪元末那些轰轰烈烈的事迹,《精灵宝钻》中的传奇故事则是源自久远得多的过去,彼时首代黑暗...
The Silmarillion [Audiobook] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025