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The Big Short pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The #1 New York Times bestseller: a brilliant account—character-rich and darkly humorous—of how the U.S. economy was driven over the cliff. When the crash of the U. S. stock market became public knowledge in the fall of 2008, it was already old news. The real crash, the silent crash, had taken place over the previous year, in bizarre feeder markets where the sun doesn’t shine, and the SEC doesn’t dare, or bother, to tread: the bond and real estate derivative markets where geeks invent impenetrable securities to profit from the misery of lower- and middle-class Americans who can’t pay their debts. The smart people who understood what was or might be happening were paralyzed by hope and fear; in any case, they weren’t talking.
The crucial question is this: Who understood the risk inherent in the assumption of ever-rising real estate prices, a risk compounded daily by the creation of those arcane, artificial securities loosely based on piles of doubtful mortgages? Michael Lewis turns the inquiry on its head to create a fresh, character-driven narrative brimming with indignation and dark humor, a fitting sequel to his #1 best-selling Liar’s Poker . Who got it right? he asks. Who saw the real estate market for the black hole it would become, and eventually made billions of dollars from that perception? And what qualities of character made those few persist when their peers and colleagues dismissed them as Chicken Littles? Out of this handful of unlikely—really unlikely—heroes, Lewis fashions a story as compelling and unusual as any of his earlier bestsellers, proving yet again that he is the finest and funniest chronicler of our times.
五星是因為當初給瞭too big to fail四星,但是坦白說,並不贊成全篇給做空者唱贊歌。
評分Betting on the Blind Side.
評分The book scrutinizes the subprime mortgage crisis by telling the stories of several typical Wall Street investors. As inspiring as their experiences are (how they grew from scratch not how they screwed the system), I would prefer a book that discusses the crisis, by and large.
評分#the big short# #大空頭# 電影看瞭三遍,依舊看不夠,於是開始讀原著。這本書神就神在即便我對情節瞭然於胸,對故事結局也不設懸念,但我仍有與書中人物命運同跌宕的超強代入感。每個時代都有極少數有遠見、被誤解、但堅持到底的人。《聖經》裏的諾亞是這類人的原型,隻可惜諾亞造船時的心理活動隻有寥寥數筆。而這本書,通過對Dr. Michael Burry細緻入微的描寫,填補瞭這一空白。《大空頭》給瞭盲從的大眾一個反思的機會,也給瞭清醒的極少數一個堅持到底的理由。
評分Betting on the Blind Side.
"开张支票把谈话中的许诺确定下来------巴菲特" (P29 ) "时间是可变的, 脱离了社交让我更加专注于我要专注的事情上------迈克尔 巴里(Michael Burry)" (P38) "巴里坚定他是地球上除起草这些文件的律师之外,唯一阅读这些文件的人. 同事, 他应该也是唯一一个对这些住房贷款进...
評分 評分"开张支票把谈话中的许诺确定下来------巴菲特" (P29 ) "时间是可变的, 脱离了社交让我更加专注于我要专注的事情上------迈克尔 巴里(Michael Burry)" (P38) "巴里坚定他是地球上除起草这些文件的律师之外,唯一阅读这些文件的人. 同事, 他应该也是唯一一个对这些住房贷款进...
評分金融术语就不再赘述,想当年我还翻译过雷曼关于CDO和合成CDO的文章,赚些零花钱,现在想来恍如隔世。还是先说说书中我最钦佩的牛掰人物,迈克尔.巴里。 他最精彩的发言如下:市场上基金经理评估风险的方法非常愚蠢。他们用波动幅度来评估风险。即过去几年间,一只股票或者债券...
評分金融术语就不再赘述,想当年我还翻译过雷曼关于CDO和合成CDO的文章,赚些零花钱,现在想来恍如隔世。还是先说说书中我最钦佩的牛掰人物,迈克尔.巴里。 他最精彩的发言如下:市场上基金经理评估风险的方法非常愚蠢。他们用波动幅度来评估风险。即过去几年间,一只股票或者债券...
The Big Short pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025