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The Lost City of Z pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Amazon Exclusive: John Grisham Reviews The Lost City of Z
In April of 1925, a legendary British explorer named Percy Fawcett launched his final expedition into the depths of the Amazon in Brazil. His destination was the lost city of El Dorado, the “City of Gold,” an ancient kingdom of great sophistication, architecture, and culture that, for some reason, had vanished. The idea of El Dorado had captivated anthropologists, adventurers, and scientists for 400 years, though there was no evidence it ever existed. Hundreds of expeditions had gone looking for it. Thousands of men had perished in the jungles searching for it. Fawcett himself had barely survived several previous expeditions and was more determined than ever to find the lost city with its streets and temples of gold.
The world was watching. Fawcett, the last of the great Victorian adventurers, was financed by the Royal Geographical Society in London, the world’s foremost repository of research gathered by explorers. Fawcett, then age 57, had proclaimed for decades his belief in the City of Z, as he had nicknamed it. His writings, speeches, and exploits had captured the imagination of millions, and reports of his last expedition were front page news.
His expeditionary force consisted of three men--himself, his 21-year-old son Jack, and one of Jack’s friends. Fawcett believed that only a small group had any chance of surviving the horrors of the Amazon. He had seen large forces decimated by malaria, insects, snakes, poison darts, starvation, and insanity. He knew better. He and his two companions would travel light, carry their own supplies, eat off the land, pose no threat to the natives, and endure months of hardship in their search for the Lost City of Z.
They were never seen again. Fawcett’s daily dispatches trickled to a stop. Months passed with no word. Because he had survived several similar forays into the Amazon, his family and friends considered him to be near super-human. As before, they expected Fawcett to stumble out of the jungle, bearded and emaciated and announcing some fantastic discovery. It did not happen.
Over the years, the search for Fawcett became more alluring than the search for El Dorado itself. Rescue efforts, from the serious to the farcical, materialized in the years that followed, and hundreds of others lost their lives in the search. Rewards were posted. Psychics were brought in by the family. Articles and books were written. For decades the legend of Percy Fawcett refused to die.
The great mystery of what happened to Fawcett has never been solved, perhaps until now. In 2004, author David Grann discovered the story while researching another one. Soon, like hundreds before him, he became obsessed with the legend of the colorful adventurer and his baffling disappearance. Grann, a lifelong New Yorker with an admitted aversion to camping and mountain climbing, a lousy sense of direction, and an affinity for take-out food and air conditioning, soon found himself in the jungles of the Amazon. What he found there, some 80 years after Fawcett’s disappearance, is a startling conclusion to this absorbing narrative.
The Lost City of Z is a riveting, exciting and thoroughly compelling tale of adventure.
大卫·格恩(David Grann)
探险家福塞特的传奇人生 《迷失Z城》大陆出版 布拉德.彼得即将倾情出演同名电影 2009年年末,《迷失Z城》在中国出版,本书在美国夺得诸多荣誉:2009年亚马逊网站最佳图书 ,美国《出版周刊》2009年十大好书。出版该书的北京凤凰联动文化传媒有限公司...
评分一口气读完了这本书。感觉福塞特就像是希腊神话里的西西弗斯。只不过,西西弗斯推的是永远也到不了顶的石头,而福塞特他老人家则是一次又一次走进险象环生的丛林,寻找Z城,每次都是失归往归,却从不放弃,最后不知所终。 是为了传说中的黄金吗?虽然是贵族身份,但他生前穷得...
评分 评分 评分1925的4月,知名英国探险家Percy Harrison Fawcett深入巴西的亚马逊丛林展开又一次冒险。他的目的地是传说中一座失落的古城El Dorado,意即“黄金城”。据说这个已被丛林吞噬和掩埋的古老王国曾经拥有宏伟的建筑和高度发展的文明。尽管没有确实的证据表明这个地方真实地存在过...
The Lost City of Z pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025