圖書標籤: 拉美文學 Márquez García Gabriel
The General in His Labyrinth pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In his younger days, Simon Bolivar swept the Spanish back to Europe, liberating South America with his youthful vitality. But lonely, embittered and sickly at the age of forty-six, his power has dwindled, coups abound and it's time for The Liberator to send himself into the exile of retirement. Wending his way down the Magdalena River towards the Caribbean with his faithful servant, Jose Palacios, Bolivar's journey is hindered by his own reluctance to let his power go. Despite the assassination attempts, jeering and humiliation he encounters, his fear of fading into the shadows keeps him clinging to the man he used to be...
加西亞·馬爾剋斯(Gabriel García Márquez, 1927-2014):
来自一个人生命的闪光,足以照亮一个世界,却永远无法拯救自己。 《迷宫中的将军》是马尔克斯于1989年完成的作品。七年前马尔克斯凭借《百年孤独》拿到了诺贝尔文学奖,于是当三年之后马尔克斯交出同样高水准的《霍乱时期的爱情》时,人们为他似乎太过丰富的才气而惊诧不已...
評分在读了马尔克斯的几部令人略感失望的中篇之后,我一度以为他在《百年》和《霍乱》中倾尽了自己所有的才华,直到读完《迷宫中的将军》,才发现大错特错,马尔克斯的创作力着实深不可测。 如果说《百年孤独》是马尔克斯借助上帝之笔写就的“天上文章”,那么《霍乱》则是他对自...
評分在布满星辰的天空下,躺在丁满身边的彭彭腩腩地说着:“七千九百八十二……” “你在说什么呢?说星星么?”丁满看了看天空,问道。 “不是,我说是的马尔克斯的小说,”彭彭说,“《迷宫中的将军》,在所有存在过于世上的作品中,它位列七千九百八十二名。” “你怎么就能...
評分玻利瓦尔将军的一生充满传奇色彩,奋战沙场、建功立业、死里逃生、人情缱绻。四十七年对一个领袖而言未免短暂,曾经叱诧风云的强健不复存在,他仿佛早早透支了剩余岁月,身心俱疲。拖着沉重的病体,仓皇人生最后的时刻重游故地,却像身入迷宫般的曲折彷徨。 马尔克斯用小说笔...
The General in His Labyrinth pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025