圖書標籤: Economics 經濟 曆史 Krugman 金融 蕭條 經濟史 商業
The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
有誰能比最新的諾貝爾經濟學奬得主、專欄作者兼作傢 保羅•剋魯格曼更好地指引我們瞭解2008金融危機並探索衝齣危機之道?
。 "清晰有力地分析瞭全球金融市場的危險,給那些自負或對經濟無知的政策製定者敲響警鍾" 《經濟學傢》
"論證之清晰明瞭,一般作者難以望其項背......一本極好的書" 《金融時報》
Paul Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics, shows how today's crisis parallels the events that caused the Great Depression - and explains what it will take to avoid catastrophe. In 1999, in "The Return of Depression Economics", Paul Krugman surveyed the economic crises that had swept across Asia and Latin America, and warned that those crises were a warning for all of us: like diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics, the economic maladies that caused the Great Depression were making a comeback. In the years that followed, as Wall Street boomed and financial wheeler-dealers made vast profits, the international crises of the 1990s faded from memory. But now depression economics has come to America: when the great housing bubble of the mid-2000s burst, the U.S. financial system proved as vulnerable as those of developing countries caught up in earlier crises - and a replay of the 1930s seems all too possible. In this new, greatly updated edition of "The Return of Depression Economics", Krugman shows how the failure of regulation to keep pace with an increasingly out-of-control financial system set the United States, and the world as a whole, up for the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. He also lays out the steps that must be taken to contain the crisis, and turn around a world economy sliding into a deep recession. Brilliantly crafted in Krugman's trademark style - lucid, lively, and supremely informed - this new edition of "The Return of Depression Economics" will become an instant cornerstone of the debate over how to respond to the crisis.
保羅•剋魯格曼,2008年獨享諾貝爾經濟學奬。 現為普林斯頓大學經濟學教授,全球化堅定而又機智的捍衛者,繼弗裏德曼和加爾布雷斯之後最有影響力的公共知識分子;在美國經濟一片大好之時,警告大眾注意房價泡沫和經濟衰退,被英國《金融時報》譽為“口號和辯論”、“數據和模型”的大師。
Krugman is a genius, but genius is not always correct.
評分brief and sharp
p9 资本主义稳定的最大敌人是战争和萧条。(到底是因为哈耶克所言“致命的自负”,还是因为自由市场的理论的失败导致了危机?实际上,克鲁格曼并没有意识到恐怖主义的兴起--新的战争形式) p15克鲁格曼指出了政府对于经济失衡状态的适当调整。(类似于物理学的稳态问题) p16...
評分在形式一片大好的宣传阵势下,讨论萧条实在有点不合适宜了吧:P 这本《萧条经济学的回归和2008年经济危机》和其上一版(http://www.douban.com/subject/1045713/ )是有所区别。新版增加了和08年金融危机有关的三章内容-格林斯潘的泡沫、影子银行、千恐万惧一齐来,删除了旧版...
評分上班公交上花20多分钟看了几十页,似乎还行,作者无法控制自己调侃的冲动,所以极力为自己开脱,不愿意给人愤世嫉俗的形象,所以浪费了不少口舌,有点类似卢梭的忏悔录开头那一段,既要既要惊世骇俗,又怕别人不理解。 作者还是有点料的,说得也通俗,有独特的见解和观点,比如...
評分p9 资本主义稳定的最大敌人是战争和萧条。(到底是因为哈耶克所言“致命的自负”,还是因为自由市场的理论的失败导致了危机?实际上,克鲁格曼并没有意识到恐怖主义的兴起--新的战争形式) p15克鲁格曼指出了政府对于经济失衡状态的适当调整。(类似于物理学的稳态问题) p16...
評分好奇2008年金融危机是如何发生的,找到这本书,基本没有失望。 回顾多次经济危机,亚洲(东南亚,香港),美洲的(墨西哥)以及欧洲(英国)的多次经济危机,用一个理论 不可能三角形来解释。 1. 货币政策的独立性 2. 外汇的稳定 3.资本的管制 以及 信心 ---》 资本 --》 企业...
The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024