Teddy Bear Story pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The fact thai you have picked up this book means that you are,
very probably, an arctophile. There s no need to look
alarmed, however- you share this distinction with literally
millions of other perfectly sane people of all ages. An aretophile
is simpl) someone who loves bears. The word is taken from the
Greek " arktos". meaning bear, anti "philos", meaning friend.
Arctophiles everywhere agree that there is nothing like a teddy
bear for constant and unswerving companionship, comfort.
and dependability. They have been called the world s most
popular stuffed toys, tops among countless other species. Why?
Probably because real bears have such endearingly human
q ualities- they stand upright and can hug with their front
paws, without being as disturbingly close to us as monkeys or
Theodore Roosevelt. who gave his name to the teddy bear.
was very keen on real bears. He hunted them. but he also
enjoyed watching them going about their business. He
explained the attraction in his book Outdoor Pastimes of an
American Hunter, published in 1905: "On one occasion the
bear was hard at work digging up squirrel or gopher caches on
the side of a pine-clad hill; while at this work he looked rather
likea large badger.., it was extremely interesting to note the
grotesque, half-human movements, and giant awkward
strength of the great beast. He would twist the carcass around
with the utmost ease, sometimes taking it in his forepaws and
half-lifting, half shoving it. Once the bear lost his grip and
rolled over during the course of some movement, and this made
him angry, and he struck the carcass a savage whack, just as a
pettish child will strike a table against which it has knocked
Wherever real bears are found, they inspire respect. Bears,
of course, are not to be treated lightly, being so fierce and
strong. The Indians knew all about them. Some tribes
considered them so sacred that they never hunted them. Other
tribes did, but always made sure that the dead animal s bones
were arranged in the right order, so that he would not reach the
Happy Hunting Ground crippled.
Teddy Bear Story pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025