图书标签: 社会 心理 英文 经济 成长 人生
Quirkology pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Ever wondered why bad musicians always win the Eurovision Song Contest, or how incompetent politicians get elected? You need some Quirkology in your life. While other scientists beaver away on obvious problems, Richard Wiseman has been busy uncovering the secret ingredients of charisma, exploring how our personalities are shaped by when we are born and examining why people usually miss the obvious signs of their partner's infidelity. Using scientific methods to investigate offbeat topics that interest the general public as well as the scientific community, "Quirkology" brings a new understanding to the backwaters of the human mind and takes us to places where mainstream scientists fear to tread. Comparable to "Freakonomics", but British, far more populist, and a lot funnier. The findings include: How does your surname influence your life? What does the way you walk reveal about your personality? Why should women have men write their personal ads? What is the funniest joke in the world?
Richard Wiseman is Britain's only professor for the Public Understanding of Psychology and has an international reputation for his research into unusual areas including deception, luck, humour and the paranormal.He is the psychologist most frequently quoted by the British media and his research has been featured on over 150 television programmes in the UK.He is regularly heard on Radio 4 and feature articles about his work have appeared prominently throughout the national press.
Bob在看Lie To Me。总觉得自己没时间看那么长的东西,再说美剧牛逼的越狱我都没看过。 倒是买了和Lie To Me稍稍有关的一本书,豆瓣上评价挺高的——怪诞心理学。 现在出版社出书总是乱出引题,收到书草草的翻开,显然我的期望值又高了。 不过李欣频读完了还是惯性的开始翻开...
评分前两天看了《怪诞心理学》,给我最大的印象,就是本篇的标题——哪些猫在角落里坏笑的心理学家!书里的故事很多,仅仅摘录几个来揭露一下他们的“邪恶嘴脸”。 第一个,他们认为,通过星座、血型神码的来预测各人的性格很不靠谱。坏人做了一份性格测试问卷,投放给一大群学生,...
评分在很多PM论坛里面都见到有人推荐这本书,书评写得神乎其神,翻翻目录,果不其然就在谈论时间、欺骗、迷信、幽默、自私以及其他乱七八糟神神叨叨的东西,这里面每一项拿出来都足以拯救一个尴尬的找不到话题的饭局。读完了这本书,只能送给它八个字——“食之无味,弃之可惜”。 ...
评分看怪诞心理学前有一个想法,那就是从书里面得到很怪的心理行为。但在得到书后发现英国人的怪诞并不很怪,只是调查方式有些特别,在调查中的心理行为,在我看来英国人认为怪诞的中国很多都认为见怪不怪,也就是没什么好奇怪的本应该就是那样存在的事实。 还有英国人的调查对中国...
评分@此书 读这本书,是因为一句——“如果你喜欢热播的美剧Lie to me~你就一定喜欢这本书”。书的立意选题,巧,也妙。很引人,也的确值得思考。谎言,就是其中一则。 @谎言 书中说,从我们学会说话的那一刻起,我们就已经学会撒谎了。 那么,成长至今,...
Quirkology pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025