Empire: Super Vietnam Ground Zero #4 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Empire<br >:ly," repeated Fetterman. "I m not in any<br >:k to work right away."<br >ed through the French doors, Morrow looked<br >ur place or mine?"<br >tt way no one will be able to find me except<br >rman, and he won t interrupt."<br >then," said Fetterlnan. He disappeared into<br >ched him go and then<br >re beginning to talk."<br >slipped closer to Ger-<br > said Gerber.<br >he stairs to walk down to Morrow s room.<br >in the dim hallway, waiting while she un-<br >r. As she threw it open, he said, "This is a hell<br >it a war."<br >ught about that, and the words of the reporter<br >taum him. The American Army hadn t shown<br >new how to win, and now he was ducking into<br >vith a woman. It wasn t his job to dictate pol.<br >te action. His job was to do what he was told<br >, st of his ability.<br >~~as something to what the man had said.<br >.~r was in Morrow s room, and she turned and<br >se, kissing him hard, her tongue darting in and<br >ath. Caerber s thoughts of the reporter and hiI<br >nished. All he could think of was Morrow and<br >doing to him.<br >FORT POLK, LOUISIANA<br >Brigadier General Billy Joe Crinshaw stood at attention in<br >front of TV cameras, reporters, friends, associates and faro-<br >~ , ~ ~ . .<br >ily. To Crmshaw s right was Lmutenant General Richard<br >~ilder, and to his left was his young wife, Jannifer Crin-<br >sh~(~. The room was cramped, hot and bright, but Crin-<br >sha~~ hadn t noticed any of that. He blinked into the bright<br >lights, and although he didn t want to, found himself grin-<br >ning.<br > Wilder, a short, stocky man, wore a dress-green uniform<br >with three stars gleaming on his shoulders. He wore his dec-<br >orations above the left breast pocket. They were mainly<br >awards for meritorious service. He wore jump wings, but<br >there was no star or wreath above them indicating he had<br >completed the minimum five jumps~ Sweat glistened on his<br >forehead and bald pate, dripping down to soak the collar of<br >his poplin shirt.<br > Relishing the attention, Wilder faced the cameras. "It is<br >with great pleasure that I announce the promotion to major<br >general of General Crinshaw."<br ><br >
Empire: Super Vietnam Ground Zero #4 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025