American politics pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Preface<br > 1he hi(~,ntenni,fl celebration of the United States has seen an<br >,q~parently endless outpouring of descriptions and praises of the<br >Amerkan political heritage. It would appear that by July 4, 1976, all<br >would ~urelv have been said.-all facets of the American political<br >~,xp,,rien~ ~, ~.plored and even the more unlikely episodes in American<br >p~Hiti~ al hiqory lauded.<br > Yet mu(h has been left unexplored and unsaid. To gain a true<br >understanding of American politics we must move beyond mere<br >descriptions and uncritical acclaim. We must engage in hard analysis<br >and a search for Facts, whether we find those facts and analyses<br >(()nrf()rting and supportive of past ideas or disturbing and contrary to<br >them. ihis book presents the facts of American politics and analyzes<br >them in an allempt to provide the student with a true understanding of<br >the American ~,ay of politics.<br > In presenting these analyses and facts I have incorporated three<br >I)4sk qualilie,, int(, this honk qualitie,~ that dislinguish it from other<br >..m~,~it,m l~()ii!U ~ ~(,x!b{)()k~ and. i h~)pe, h(!tp i! (onv(,v an a~(umt~,<br >under,,tandu~g,, ot the Ameri(:an way of politics. The first it,<br >~.,rg,mizati()nal: the disparate elements of American politics are<br >organized and analyzed in a general framework that draws together<br >(~n~ pt + fr(~m systems analysis, structural-functional analysis, and<br >pu:i~ t,~ !i~ ~ ,mal~,i,, This framework, I believe, serves as a useful<br >me,m-+ (+t ;>r~ ~,~ ++tir!~ t(> qtM(+nts without a strong background the often<br >huwiic!ering ek munts ~1 Ameri( an politics in an organized, integrated<br >and Ih~ refl~r~ un(i,:,rslandab!e way.<br > In thi~, lhir(t e(tili()n I h,n.,e gwml a qronger emphasis to po!i(~,,<br >an,fish, i,, Ih,ul ! did in the tirsl two edilions, finding many elemenls of<br >polk v anah ~,is helpiul lo sludenb, in their efforts to integrate the many<br >
American politics pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025