You Coun'T, Calories Don't pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Is something wrong in your daily eating routine b~r Intr.ducli~~n t 1U(;STM counters the pervasive cult of slimness in<br > you don t know what it is? Are you famished, tired our society. It helps you recognize that the<br > listless, lacking drive and energy? Do you identify desirability of a perfectly proportioned, ultra slim<br > with one of the following scenarios? If you do, the, body is an unnatural goal that has been forced on all<br > HUGSTM program presented in this book can help of us by multimedia advertising. We are conditioned<br > you develop a better and healthier life-style. HUG~J ; to believe that we must conform and that the<br > came into existence as an alternative to dieting. It illusionary perfection of slimness can be ours if we<br > allows people to regain control of their weight, food, follow the perfect diet, eat the right way, and allow<br > and life. It presents a positive approach to health>, the pursuit of this false ideal to overtal<e and control<br > living by helping you to feel better about yourself, our daily lives. The HUGSTM program helps people<br > WHY I-IUGSTM WORKS realize that individual differences are important.<br > HUGSTM will show you how to be the best that you<br >HUGSTM works on the premise that diets set you up can be, physically and emotionally.<br >for failure. Deprogramming a person from the diet<br >mentality is the key to regaining control. HUGS~ ~ The HUGSTM program is a unique approach to self. It<br >focuses on health and wellness rather than on weight<br > was developed to make you aware of your natural<br >and slimness. It allows each person to adjust to his or strengths and free you from dependences. HUGST,~<br >her natural weight according to what the body is is a process of self-discovery. As you learn alternate<br >genetically predestined to be.<br > ways to look at yourself you will acquire the skills,<br >
You Coun'T, Calories Don't pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025