All about roses pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
~qJorzl ~ncl<br > {~eoelopme~i oliDe So~e<br > ROSES HAVE BEEN CULTIVATED<br > FOR CENTURIES IN MANY LANDS.<br > The rose is often proclaimed TODAY S GARDENER CAN CHOOSE<br > "Queen of the Flowers" by gar- FROM A WIDE SELECTION, FROM the types of r,,ses grown In<br > those countries, or the lnetl~,t>ds<br > deners, and there are few OLD FAVORITES TO NEW EXAMPLES of their cultivation. The an-<br > flowers that can make a better OF THE HYBRIDIZER S ART. cient Persians established a<br > claim to the title. Roses are<br > flourishing trade in precious at-<br > grown primarily for the beauty tar of roses, a flagrant oil dis-<br > and fragrance of their flowers, tilled from rose petals, so they<br > which can be found in an astonishing array of shapes and must have been adept at rose cultivation.<br > sizes and in almost every color of the spectrum. Roses have The ancient Greeks cultivated roses extensiveb/--f~r<br > been tended and enjoyed by generations of modern-day the beauty of the flowers, for medicinal purposes, and as a<br > gardeners, and their lineage under cultivation stretches perfume. The rose was dedicated to two deities: Aphrodite,<br > back many hundreds of years, the goddess of love and beauty; and Dionysus, the god of<br > Species of the genus Rosa have been identified almost revelry. Wreaths and garlands of roses were prominentb,.<br >everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, as far north as featured at festivals in their honor<br >Alaska and Norway and as far south as North Africa and It was during the peak years of the Roman Empire (the<br >Mexico. Fossilized plants over 30 million years old can be first three centuries after the birth of Christ) that n,~e<br >linked to modern rose species, cultivation reached its peak in the ancient world. The<br > The Chinese were probably the first to cultivate roses. Romans imported roses from Egypt. The,, also established a<br >Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, Confucius thriving rose-growing industry at Paestum, south of Rome.<br >wrote of the roses in the Imperial Gardens. Roses had been Methods were developed to force roses into bloom during<br >under cultivation in China for over 2,000 years before winter by growing them in greenhouses or by irrigating<br >Chinese roses were introduced to the European market in plants with warm water. Private rose gardens were univer-<br >the late eighteenth century, sal for the nobility and the rich, and large public ruse<br > The seedbed of European rose growing was in the Middle gardens were frequented and enjoyed by tbe populace.<br >East, in Persia and Mesopotamia, but little is known about The poet Horace half-jokingly expressed concern that<br >~ the amount of land devoted to roses might produce a<br > shortage of grain. Typically excessive, the emperor Nt.n,<br >Left: Hybrid tea Colcrr Magic , the 1978 All-America Rose spent vast sums of money to cover his guests with ros~.<br >Selection, sports magr~ificent double blooms, petals, which he arranged to have fall from the ceilmv.<br >Above: Hardy Rosa rugosa perfumes the air with its During tim first century A.D., Pliny the Elder described<br >Ira*fusion of flowers, several different species of roses in his Natural Histoo..<br > THI ~ HISI-ORY AN[) DEVELOPMFN 1" OF THE ROSE<br > 5<br >
All about roses pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025