Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Webster s Ninth New Colleglale Dicflonary is the latest in A number of entries for words posing special problems el<br >the Cogcgiate line of Merriam-Websterr ~dictionaries which confused or disputed usage include for the first time brief ar-<br >began in 1898. Ever) entry and feature of the last edition has tides that provide the dieflonary user with suitable guidance<br >been reexamined so that this Collegiate offers the dictionary on the usage in question. The guidance offered is never based<br >user much thai is new and useful while preserving the best merely on received opinion, though opinions are often noted,<br >features of preceding edilions. This dictionary is meant to but typically on both a review of the historical background<br > and a careful evaluation of what citations reveal about actual<br >serve the general public as its chief source of information contemporary practice. These articles should prove a helpful<br >about lbe words of our language. The school or college s~u-<br >dent, the office worker, the home user all , , ill find this complement to Ihe usage information offered through the<br > traditional devices of the usage label and the usage note.<br >Collegiate a reliable guide to understanding the English of The fronl matter of this book attempts to establish a con-<br >our day and communicating in it. text for understanding what this dictionary is and how it<br > While Webster s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary holds came to be, as well as how it may be used most effectively<br >no more pag~ than did the last edition, a change in the di- The Explanatory Notes address themselves to the latter top-<br >mentions of the page and a different design of some elements ic. They answer tile user s questions about the conventions,<br >on that page have allowed the editors to add thousands of devices, and techniques by which the editors have been able<br >new words and senses as well as to introduce several signifl- to compress mountains of information about English words<br >cant new features and other improvements, into fewer than 1400 pages. All users of the dictionary are<br > The treatment of words in the A-Z vocabulary section is urged to read this section through and Ihen consult it for<br >as nearly exhaustive as the compass of an abridged work per- special informaflon as they need to. The brief essay on our<br >mits. /ks in all Merriam-Webster~dietionaries, the informa- language as it is recorded in Merdam-Webster ~ dictionaries,<br >lion given is based on the unparalleled collection of citations and this Collegiate in particular, is meant to satisfy an inter-<br >maintained in the offices of this company. These citations eat in lexicography often expressed in the correspondence<br >show words used in a wide range of printed sources, and the which our editors receive. The Guide to Pronunciation serve~<br >eoUeeflon is constantly augmented through the efforts of the both to show how the pronunciations recorded in this book<br >editorial staff. Thus, the user of the dictionary may be confi- are arrived al and to explain the mechanics of the respelling<br >dent that entries in the Collegiate are based on current as system in which they are set down.<br >well as older material. The citation files hold 3,000,000 more The back matter retains all six sections from the last edi-<br >examples than were available to the editors of Webster*s lion of the Collegiate. These are Foreign Words and Phrases<br >Third New International Dieflonary, published in 1961, the that occur frequently in English texts but have not become<br >total now being 13,000,000. part of the English vocabulary; thousands of proper names<br > Those entries known to be trademarks or service marks are gathered under the separate headings Biographical Names<br >so labeled and are treated in accordance wilh a formula ap- and Geographical Names; a lisl of the degree-granting, two:<br > proved by the United States Trademark Association. No ca- year and four-year Colleges and Universities of the United<br > try in this dictionary, however, should be regarded as States and Canada; a gathering of important Signs and Sym-<br > affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. bols that cannot readily be alphabetized; and a Handbook of<br > Style in which various stylistic conventions (as of punctua-<br > Several feature~ of the vocabulary seeti0n are worth special lion and capitalization) are summarized and exemplified. All<br > notice. The treatment of synonymy has been completely re-<br > vised for this edition so that all the synonym articles now these sections are expanded with new material in this edition<br > discriminate from one another words of closely associated One seCtion has been added: Abbreviations and Symbols for<br > meaning. Many of the articles are enriched with typical ex- Chemical Elements, which were in the main vocabulary of<br > amples of usage based on--or sometimes quoted from--ci- the 1973 Collegiate, are now in the back matter.<br > lations in our files. Webster s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary is the result of<br > Pictorial illustrations have been prominent in Collegiate much patient labor by the trained staff of Merriam-Webster<br > dictionaries from the beginning. In this edition, as before, Incorporated, working in collaboration with each other and,<br > they have been selected chiefly for their ability to inform by in a sense, with the editors of earlier Collegiates and lnterna-<br > supplementing and clarifying deflldtions. In many instances fionals, who have left numberless, often indiscernible traces<br > Ihis function has be.en enhanced for this edition by increasing of their thought, insight, and care upon the pages of this dic-<br > the size of the illustration so that significant details are more tionary. There is unfortunately no space to acknowledge for-<br > readily apparent, met editors individually, but all the staff members who made<br > In Webstcr s Nin;h New Collegiate Dictionary two fen- substantial contributions to this edition are listed on the fac-<br > lurc~ make their first appearance in any Merdam-Web- ing page. Many demonstrated their versatilily by working in<br > ster~ dictionary. Before the first entered sense of each entry several widely separated parts of the book and ill very differ-<br > for a gencric ~ord, the user of this Collegiate will find a date cut roles<br > thai indicates when the earliest example known to us of tile Webster s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary is offered to<br > use of thai sense ~xas ~dtten or printed. This date serves as a the user in the same spirit as were earlier editions: it is die<br > link. in the ~se of entdc~ with several senses, between the el- product of a company with a sustained tradition of excel-<br > 3m,~log~ preceding it and the ilistoricafiy ordered senses fol- loner in the making of dictionaries, and we are confident that<br > h,~ ,il~g i~ We believe that tile date will ohen be a point of whoever comes to know it and use it carehilly will be well<br > c,,f~siderat, lc- inlcrc~t in its ow~i right us well. served by it.<br >
Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025