Vortex pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In the bestselling novel Red Phoenix, Larry
Bond set a bold new standard in military and
political suspense fiction. Creating a chill-
ingiy plausible war scenario that could have
been drawn from tomorrow s news. thc
author gave us not only a riveting history of
how such a war would be fought on every
conceivable front, but a compelling account
of what it would mean in human terms.
Now, in VORTEX, Larry Bond expands his
storytelling powers ill an epic novel set in
one of the most emotionally charged t lash-
points on earth today: South Africa. Now the
world is no longer dominated by two antag-
onistic superpowers. Instead, the theater of
conflict has shifted to the Third World, with a
deadly precariousness [lever known before.
The drama begins with a lightning raid by
South African troops into Zimbabwe, where
they net all invaluable cache of secret docu-
ments belonging to tile black guerilla army
of the African Natiunal Congress. Using the
intelligence gleaned from the raid, factions
in Pretoria s security apparatus manipulate
the African National Cougress into the
slaughter of virtually the entire South African
government, catapulting an extreme-right,
white-supremacist administration into
power. The country now has a more ruthless
set of masters, setting the stage for apart-
heid s final struggle.
It is a struggle that will [ age across the
whole of southern Africa, across deserts,
across the veldt, in the cities, at sea, and in
tile air. It will realize many of humaukiud s
worst fears, including the full-scale ~se of
both chemical and tactical nuclear weapons.
It will raise the nightmare specter of interna-
lional race war, global economic collapse,
and Armageddon itself. As chaos threatens
to spread across an entire continent, as
Cubau for[ es mount a drive for control of
one of the most strategically vital corners
or the world, the United States mobilizes for
Vortex pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025