Linux Kernel Development pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

Linux Kernel Development

Robert Love
Addison-Wesley Professional
May 20, 2010
USD 49.99

圖書標籤: Linux  kernel  操作係統  內核  計算機  linux  Kernel  Linux/Unix   

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The third edition of the authoritative, practical introduction to the Linux kernel for programmers who want to better understand the Linux kernel and write and develop kernel code. Authored by a well-known member of the Linux kernel development team, with a reputation for a highly readable and focused writing style, this edition has been thoroughly updated and includes improved coverage of all the major subsystems and features of the latest version of the Linux 2.6.xx kernel.

Linux Kernel Development details the design and implementation of the Linux kernel, presenting the content in a manner that is beneficial to those writing and developing kernel code. While the book discusses topics that are theoretical, it does so with the goal of assisting programmers so they better understand the topics and become more efficient and productive in their coding.

The book discusses the major subsystems and features of the Linux kernel, including design and implementation, their purpose and goals, and their interfaces. Important computer science and operating system design details are also addressed. The book covers the Linux kernel from both angles -- theoretical and applied -- which should appeal to both types of readers.

The author, a core kernel developer, shares valuable knowledge and experience on the very latest Linux kernel.

Specific topics covered will include: all the important algorithms, relevant subsystems, process management, scheduling, time management and timers, system call interface, memory addressing, memory management, paging strategies, caching layers, VFS, kernel synchronization, and signals.

An authoritative, practical guide that helps programmers better understand the Linux kernel, and to write and develop kernel code.

* Authored by core Linux kernel developers.

* In-depth coverage of all the major subsystems and features of the new Linux 2.6 kernel.

* Targeted audience includes programmers interested in gaining relevant and timely information so they may further their kernel development skills.

--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Robert Love is an open source programmer, speaker, and author who has been using and contributing to Linux for more than 15 years. He is currently senior software engineer at Google, where he was a member of the team that developed the Android mobile platform’s kernel. Prior to Google, he was Chief Architect, Linux Desktop, at Novell. Before Novell, he was a kernel engineer at MontaVista Software and Ximian.

Love’s kernel projects include the preemptive kernel, the process scheduler, the kernel events layer, inotify,VM enhancements, and several device drivers.

He has given numerous talks on and has written multiple articles about the Linux kernel and is a contributing editor for Linux Journal. His other books include Linux System Programming and Linux in a Nutshell.


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Easy read, detailed overview. Though it may be time for a new edition.


沒必要在這本書上浪費時間,Understanding the Linux Kernel或者Professional Linux Kernel Architecture比這本書好太多。關鍵是讀瞭這本書還是要去讀那兩本書(挑一本),但是那兩本書讀完,這本書你完全沒必要看。


放寒假之前粗略看過一遍,要再看。 我是再看understand linux kernel 是查資料找到這本書的。


本書沒有過多的陷入實現細節,而是由“需求、設計和實現”所貫穿,與BSD上聖經級的"The Design and Implementation of 4.4 BSD OS"可謂相得益彰,不同的是前者在各組件上介紹的更細緻,對於確實沒讀過寫過內核的人來說有很高的指導意義,而後者在具有足夠的基礎下顯得更加高屋建瓴。無論是Linux還是BSD,將兩本書互為參考,都是很有意義的。


之前看過Robert Love的Linux System Programming, 行文風格還是挺類似,惜墨如金。將韆萬行代碼級彆的項目濃縮成短短的三百多頁的書也就說明瞭與大部頭風格的Understanding the Linux Kernel和Professional Linux Architecture相比,它不是一本具體、詳細介紹Linux內核代碼的書。不過由於作者良好的大局觀,這依然是一本極好的Linux 內核讀物,書中雖然不會有具體的代碼分析,但是為閱讀linux內核代碼提供極佳的指導。我讀這本書的感覺就好像是探險遊戲一樣,暫時不知道結果是什麼樣的,但是我知道該通過什麼方法一步步去達成



自己一开始看的时候,觉得有些上下文提到的概念没有解释得很清楚,如果原来没有这方面的知识就会有一些困难。 我自己是同时参考下面两本书一起看的。 Understanding Linux Kernl 3rd Unix Internals 发现不懂就去查查上面两本书。 这样基本都能看懂了。  


在读这本书得时候,我把本科的操作系统和linux的命令忘得所剩无几,直接在昏暗的屋子里看源码和《深入理解linux内核》这本书的时候,心都要碎了。 陷入了只见树木,不见森林。 后来在知乎上,看见很多人都推荐这本LKD就买来看。 思路比较清晰、易读。 像给了一面地图...  


我作为Linux内核学习的入门书来读的,基本上达到了我的目的。让读者能从一个总览式的视角大体了解了一下Linux内核。 就写出来的内容来说作者基本上做到了通俗易懂,但问题就在于对于Linux内核这么复杂的系统,作者介绍的并不够,让人有种迷茫的感觉。 我想这本书也应该读两遍,...  


看了若干页,网上的试读,硬伤还是不少: ================ p3 注二:“内核代码树种”,植物学家?! p4 正文:“系统调用界面”,有点不专业! p5 正文:“空进程”,idle进程好吧?!这个是专有名称了,别瞎改! 正文:“monolithic static binary”翻译成了“不可分割的静...


P138 注释1 幸好Linux没有提供这样的递归锁。【Windows下的Mutex和Critical Section是可递归的。Linux下的pthread_mutex_t锁默认是非递归的。可以显示的设置PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE属性,将pthread_mutex_t设为递归锁。】  

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