圖書標籤: 自然科學
The Origin of Species pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The origin of Species , by Charles Darwin , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics :
All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. 0in 0in 0pt">on December 27, 1831, the young naturalist Charles Darwin left Plymouth Harbor aboard the HMS Beagle. For the next five years, he conducted research on plants and animals from around the globe, amassing a body of evidence that would culminate in one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind—the theory of evolution. Darwin presented his stunning insights in a landmark book that forever altered the way human beings view themselves and the world they live in. In The origin of Species , he convincingly demonstrates the fact of evolution: that existing animals and plants cannot have appeared separately but must have slowly transformed from ancestral creatures. Most important, the book fully explains the mechanism that effects such a transformation: natural selection, the idea that made evolution scientifically intelligible for the first time. one of the few revolutionary works of science that is engrossingly readable, The origin of Species not only launched the science of modern biology but also has influenced virtually all subsequent literary, philosophical, and religious thinking. George Levine , Kenneth Burke Professor of English Literature at Rutgers University, has written extensively about Darwin and the relation of science and literature, particularly in Darwin and the Novelists . He is the author of many related books, including The Realistic Imagination, Dying to Know , and his birdwatching memoirs, Lifebirds .
達爾文(Charles Robert Darwin,1809-1882)英國博物學傢,進化論的奠基人。1809年2月12日,齣生於英國醫生傢庭。1825年至1828年在愛丁大學學醫,後進入劍橋大學學習神學。1831年從劍橋大學畢業後,以博物學傢的身份乘海軍勘探船“貝格爾號(Beagle)”作曆時5年(1831-1836)的環球旅行,觀察和搜集瞭動物、植物和地質等方麵的大量材料,經過歸納整理和綜閤分析,形成瞭生物進行的概念。1859年齣版《物種起源(On the Origin of Species)》一書,全麵提齣以自然選擇(Theoty of Natural Selection)為基礎的進化學說。該書齣版震動當時的學術界,成為生物學史上的一個轉摺點。自然選擇的進化學說對各種唯心的神造論、目的論和物種不變論提齣根本性的挑戰。使當時生物學各領域已經形成的概念和觀念發生根本性的改變。隨後達爾文又發錶瞭《動物和植物在傢養下的變異(The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication ,1868)》、《人類由來及性的選擇(The Descent of Man ,1871)》和《人類和動物的錶情(The Expression of the Emotions in Animals and Man,1872)》等書,對人工選擇作瞭係統的敘述,並提齣性選擇及人類起源的理論,進一步充實瞭進化學說的內容。
評分12/02/2009, 写于Palo Alto 今天是“达尔文纪年”两百年整,也算是我们这些无神论进化生物学家的圣诞节。自达尔文之后,一切自诩永远伟大光荣正确的上帝、真主及其他“神灵”统统灰飞烟灭,人类,Homo sapiens,终于可以自信地挺直腰杆翻身做主人了。 我们已经在周末为查尔斯...
評分昨天晚上和导师会面,他要我将论文的文献综述部分再斟酌一下。 回来的时候,我又想起了以前曾经看过的达尔文的《物种起源》,这本书的第一部分,其实就是很好的文献综述。 所有的科学研究,都不是闭门造车,一定是站在前人的肩膀上继续前行。换句话说,当你着手进行一项研究...
評分12/02/2009, 写于Palo Alto 今天是“达尔文纪年”两百年整,也算是我们这些无神论进化生物学家的圣诞节。自达尔文之后,一切自诩永远伟大光荣正确的上帝、真主及其他“神灵”统统灰飞烟灭,人类,Homo sapiens,终于可以自信地挺直腰杆翻身做主人了。 我们已经在周末为查尔斯...
評分来源:http://epaper.gmw.cn/zhdsb/html/2014-01/29/nw.D110000zhdsb_20140129_1-09.htm?div=-1 编者按:译林出版社日前出版由现供职于美国堪萨斯大学自然历史博物馆暨生物多样性研究所的苗德岁教授翻译的《物种起源》。在前不久举行的“新译《物种起源》出版沙龙”上,中科院...
The Origin of Species pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025