圖書標籤: 法蘭剋福學派 社會科學 法蘭剋福 思想史 曆史 philosophy intellectual_history critical_theory
The Frankfurt School pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This is the definitive study of the history and accomplishments of the Frankfurt School. It offers elegantly written portraits of the major figures in the school's history as well as overviews of the various positions and directions they developed from the founding years just after World War I until the death of Theodor Adorno in 1969.The book is based on documentary and biographical materials that have only recently become available. As the narrative follows the Institute for Social Research from Frankfurt am Main to Geneva, New York, and Los Angeles, and then back to Frankfurt, Wiggershaus continually ties the evolution of the school to the changing intellectual and political contexts in which it operated. He also interweaves these accounts with incisive summaries of substantive works by Horkheimer, Adorno, Benjamin, Fromm, Kirchheimer, Lowenthal, Marcuse, Neumann, Pollock, and Habermas.The book is self-contained and can serve as a general introduction to critical theory, but it also has a wealth of new material to offer those who are familiar with this tradition but would like to learn more about its history and context.Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought
为什么最近的好书总做得这么厚、这么贵呢?买不是,放弃也不是,平白无故添烦恼。好像几家出版社比着赛着做厚书,有什么奖励吗? 为难中......
評分作为批判理论的大本营,批判与自我批判这一思想路径是否注定要从最初目标游离开去?这是一个有趣的思想史问题。 丁丁评语:在“导言”中,作者引述福柯的自述:“如果我能及时了解法兰克福学派的话,我肯定会节省很多劳动。那样我就不会说一大堆废话了,也不会为了避免迷路而...
評分为什么最近的好书总做得这么厚、这么贵呢?买不是,放弃也不是,平白无故添烦恼。好像几家出版社比着赛着做厚书,有什么奖励吗? 为难中......
評分怎么说呢。 我看到有人一天连击很多次“读过”,就很忐忑(咳咿呀咿呦),怎么就读那么快呢,记性还那么好。我向来读书都很慢,等书快读完也几乎要忘光了。 今天刚拿到这套书,封面是那些可爱的眼光深邃的老头子们啊。虽然很厚,但要么读完!要么嫁不出去!等读完...
評分德国《时代周报》(DIE ZEIT)曾评价本书“是一项杰出的研究:是批判理论的指导手册,是一种‘记录性的科学史诗’……一本伟大而极富启发性的书。” 本书全面描述法兰克福学派这一学术群体从魏玛时期建立“法兰克福社会研究所”到该所成员流亡美国以及战后返回德国,直至1970...
The Frankfurt School pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025