Foreword and acknowledgements
Part I - Introduction
Chapter 1: Defining the research parameters
1. Aims and structure
2. Our sources - a word of caution
3. Geography
Chapter 2: Through inculturation to ?Chinese? Christianity?
1. Accommodation and inculturation
2. Japan?s ?Hidden Christians?
Chapter 3: The evolution of Chinese Christianity
1. Christian missions and popular religious culture
2. The philosophical background
3. Christianity and the Manchurian elite
Part II - Late Imperial Christianity: Popular cult or alien creed?
Chapter 4: Filial sons and a world of demons
1. Ancestral tablets and auspicious inscriptions
2. Interaction with other movements
Chapter 5: Peasant millenarianism and Christian theology
1. Guilt, sin, universal harmony
2. Healing and black magic
3. Death and afterlife
4. Materialism and superstition - Attitudes towards
religious discipline
5. Matrimony and filial duty
6. Inherited identity in Christian villages
7. Itinerant Christians, private religious practice
and the interest of the state
Part III - A Protective Father: Official perceptions of Christian and government
action against sectarian movements
Chapter 6: The philosophical basis for anti-heresy campaigns
1. The Confucian order and the importance of family ties
2. State-sanctioned orthodoxy and ?heresy?
Chapter 7: Christianity as target: A chronology of state action
1. The Yongzheng Edict of 1724
2. The Qianlong and Jiaqing reigns (1736 - 1821)
3. The Adeodato affair and the persecution of 1805
4. The Persecution of 1811 and its aftermath
5. Relaxation of anti-Christian state action during the Daoguang period
Chapter 8: The perplexed official: Christianity as heterodox mystery
1. The official description of heresy
2. Heretical writings
Chapter 9: Christianity as internal menace
1. Between social control and official paranoia
2. Poverty and persecution
3. The state versus Christian ?heresy?
Chapter 10: Christianity as alien intrusion
Conclusion: Chinese Christianity and the fear of ?heresy?
1. Primary sources
2. Monographs and articles
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