圖書標籤: 英文原版 編程 經典 管理 軟件工程 計算機科學 計算機 美國
Peopleware pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Few books in computing have had as profound an influence on software management as Peopleware. The unique insight of this longtime best seller is that the major issues of software development are human, not technical. They're not easy issues; but solve them, and you'll maximize your chances of success. "Peopleware has long been one of my two favorite books on software engineering. Its underlying strength is its base of immense real experience, much of it quantified. Many, many varied projects have been reflected on and distilled; but what we are given is not just lifeless distillate, but vivid examples from which we share the authors' inductions. Their premise is right: most software project problems are sociological, not technological. The insights on team jelling and work environment have changed my thinking and teaching. The third edition adds strength to strength." - Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., Kenan Professor of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Author of The Mythical Man-Month and The Design of Design "Peopleware is the one book that everyone who runs a software team needs to read and reread once a year. In the quarter century since the first edition appeared, it has become more important, not less, to think about the social and human issues in software develop'ment. This is the only way we're going to make more humane, productive workplaces. Buy it, read it, and keep a stock on hand in the office supply closet." -Joel Spolsky, Co-founder, Stack Overflow "When a book about a field as volatile as software design and use extends to a third edition, you can be sure that the authors write of deep principle, of the fundamental causes for what we readers experience, and not of the surface that everyone recognizes. And to bring people, actual human beings, into the mix! How excellent. How rare. The authors have made this third edition, with its additions, entirely terrific." -Lee Devin and Rob Austin, Co-authors of The Soul of Design and Artful Making For this third edition, the authors have added six new chapters and updated the text throughout, bringing it in line with today's development environments and challenges. For example, the book now discusses pathologies of leadership that hadn't previously been judged to be pathological; an evolving culture of meetings; hybrid teams made up of people from seemingly incompatible generations; and a growing awareness that some of our most common tools are more like anchors than propellers. Anyone who needs to manage a software project or software organization will find invaluable advice throughout the book.
Tom DeMarco和Timothy Lister是大西洋係統協會(www.atlsysguild.com)的負責人。從1979起,他們就在一起演講,寫作和從事國際性的谘詢工作,主要涉及軟件工程、生産力、估算、管理學和公司文化。 Tom DeMarco的職業生涯開始於貝爾實驗室,他是結構化分析和設計的創始人之一,之後,他轉嚮研究軟件開發中的管理及其方法。他由於“對信息科學的重大貢獻”成為1986年的J.-D. Warnier奬的得主。DeMarco總共已齣版瞭六本書,其中項目管理小說《最後期限》(已由清華大學齣版社齣版)曾被評為亞馬遜網上書店和巴諾書店的最佳暢銷書。Timothy Lister的研究領域主要集中在對軟件組織和項目的風險管理。Tim也為美國仲裁協會工作,負責解決軟件爭端。他還是美國國防部下設的軟件程序經理網絡的航空理事會員。
而長期跟代碼打交道的工程師, 很容易走進的一個誤區就是覺得 身邊每個人都跟代碼一樣 一改就改過來瞭 用管代碼的方式管理人 那是不行的 = =
評分而長期跟代碼打交道的工程師, 很容易走進的一個誤區就是覺得 身邊每個人都跟代碼一樣 一改就改過來瞭 用管代碼的方式管理人 那是不行的 = =
評分而長期跟代碼打交道的工程師, 很容易走進的一個誤區就是覺得 身邊每個人都跟代碼一樣 一改就改過來瞭 用管代碼的方式管理人 那是不行的 = =
在你从事软件开发这个行当的任何一个阶段和任何一个位置你都应该阅读的好书。在这个行业呆得越久,你越会发现这本书讲的这些绝对是真理。 唯一一本我任何时候更换办公位置都随身携带的书
評分《Peopleware》 1987年出版便被列為管理聖經之一,而在最近才有機會拜讀此書,原本以為艱深難懂但沒想到異常的輕鬆活潑,很輕易的就能讀完,而當中所冷嘲熱諷的愚蠢管理行為和觀點,正好發生我上一份工作以及部份蠢事也止發生在我目前的工作環境當中,讀起來真是心有戚戚焉呀...
評分本书的翻译可谓极差,非常难读,很多时候参考原文,或者需要重新以英文的方式解构之。 本书内容还堪一读,但是对于实作,坦白讲,对于当今中国软件业可谓并无实作之可能。 当今的业态,以外包和工程为主,很多时候,不是在写一个“软件”,而是在堆砌一个建筑。研发的比例少...
評分《Peopleware》 1987年出版便被列為管理聖經之一,而在最近才有機會拜讀此書,原本以為艱深難懂但沒想到異常的輕鬆活潑,很輕易的就能讀完,而當中所冷嘲熱諷的愚蠢管理行為和觀點,正好發生我上一份工作以及部份蠢事也止發生在我目前的工作環境當中,讀起來真是心有戚戚焉呀...
評分翻译太差了,有时候看了一段琢磨不出到底想说啥意思。 作了一些笔记:软件工作团队管理问题学习 第一部分 人力资源管理 管理问题的实质 本质上,技术管理者工作中的主要问题,与其说是技术问题,不如说是社会学问题 管理问题的实质 成功源自于良好的、与所有的工作参者的人...
Peopleware pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025