圖書標籤: 小說 兒童 英語 自閉癥 英文 近現代文學 英國 文學
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Narrated by a fifteen-year-old autistic savant obsessed with Sherlock Holmes, this dazzling novel weaves together an old-fashioned mystery, a contemporary coming-of-age story, and a fascinating excursion into a mind incapable of processing emotions.
Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. Although gifted with a superbly logical brain, Christopher is autistic. Everyday interactions and admonishments have little meaning for him. At fifteen, Christopher’s carefully constructed world falls apart when he finds his neighbour’s dog Wellington impaled on a garden fork, and he is initially blamed for the killing.
Christopher decides that he will track down the real killer, and turns to his favourite fictional character, the impeccably logical Sherlock Holmes, for inspiration. But the investigation leads him down some unexpected paths and ultimately brings him face to face with the dissolution of his parents’ marriage. As Christopher tries to deal with the crisis within his own family, the narrative draws readers into the workings of Christopher’s mind.
And herein lies the key to the brilliance of Mark Haddon’s choice of narrator: The most wrenching of emotional moments are chronicled by a boy who cannot fathom emotions. The effect is dazzling, making for one of the freshest debut in years: a comedy, a tearjerker, a mystery story, a novel of exceptional literary merit that is great fun to read.
Mark Haddon is an author and scriptwriter who has written sixteen books, both for adults and children, and won two BAFTAS. He has received numerous awards for his bestselling novel The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time, including Whitbread Book of The Year.
Very insightful about autism kids.
評分寫的感覺弱智?個人認為這就是小孩的口吻,autism的心態更要貫注其中,從這個意義上說,這書的style,tone把握得都很好。在我看來,更是有瞭幾分意識流小說的風味,在不用任何metaphor的情況下,這是很難得的。有雖然有幾個地方做得是過瞭火,但是也不可以抹殺這本書的價值。不知為何沒有人譯成中文。本來想介紹給父母看看。結尾不是結果,雖然是暫時平息瞭Identity Crisis和family crisis,但是對autism孩子的關注,社會看法,傢庭關係等並沒有改變,新的麻煩又會産生,結局並不是結果。人生也是一直麻煩-解決麻煩-麻煩etc意義在哪?秩序在哪?作者一直追求的order又在哪? 順便,Christopher患的是Asperger's syndrome 見筆記。
評分文風不錯 讀起來很有意思
“我叫克里斯托夫·约翰·佛朗西斯·伯恩。我知道世界上所有的国家及其首都,我还知道7,057内的每个质数。” 这本书只有质数章节。奇怪。但奇怪之处远不止此。书里充满了表情符号、智力题、地图、清单、有拼写错误的信件…… 只需读过开头几章,便可明白这一切都源于这位从不...
評分差点因为“荣获英国《卫报》最佳儿童小说奖”这句话而错过这样一本触及心灵的佳作,这是我读完《深夜小狗神秘事件》后的第一个想法。实际上,这并不是一本单纯的童书,成年人从书中似乎能收获到更多的感悟。 少年克里斯托弗下决心写一本书,内容是对门希尔斯太太家小狗威灵顿...
評分因为职业的关系,时不时地要和一些别人眼里的“病”人打交道。有时需要一些专门的理论和技术,才能更好地理解这些人的想法。但是学了这么多年,我越发觉得,比起理论和技术,更为重要的一点是态度上的诚实。 我印象非常深刻的一次案例督导,一个中学女生被诊断为精神分裂症,原...
評分如果你是文艺青年文学青年,勿看 如果你鄙视小资产阶级(包括讨厌这词),勿看 如果你喜欢译林大片版的《追忆似水年华》,勿看 如果你爱思考终极问题社会学人文科学问题,勿看 如果你看过加缪《局外人》觉得特有共鸣,勿看 如果认为时间就是人民纸的,勿看 如果你做够了低等数...
評分这是本很薄的、很特别的小说,是位年轻的英国人写的。小说的主要框架是一个15岁的小男孩有一天晚上发现邻居家的狗被谋杀了,整部书就是写这个小男孩如何探案的以及他的生活。 这个男孩叫christopher,他能说出7057之前的所有质数,知道世界上所有国家及其首都的名字。但是他看...
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024