Vanity Fair (Penguin Classics) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Among the vibrant cast of characters who scheme and scramble for life's prizes in this entertaining saga, no one is better equipped than Becky Sharp, Thackeray's supreme creation. Brilliant, alluring, and ruthless, she defies her poverty-stricken background to climb the social ladder, while her sentimental companion Amelia longs only for caddish soldier George. As the two heroines make their way through the tawdry glamour of English society during the Napoleonic wars, military and domestic battles are fought and fortunes are made and lost. Amid the fast-paced comic action stands Dobbin, a true gentleman in a corrupt world, whose unrequited love for Amelia brings pathos and depth to Thackeray's epic satire.
This edition includes a new introduction, a chronology of Thackeray's life and works, a select reading list, and an appendix containing parodic material Thackeray cut from the 1853 edition.
一本好书的标准在我这里就是放诸四海皆准:这故事剥去表面浮华,放在任何时代、任何国度都是一个活生生的故事——这就是本好书。 《名利场》便如此:任何时候、任何国家都有贫富分化,没人能一辈子一帆风顺,贫家小户的姑娘想要出人头地,中产阶级想要结识真正的...
評分李嘉欣说,一开始的时候她并不知道她漂亮。 我想,这句话证明她是聪明而清醒的。 时装杂志采访她,问到可有看过亦舒写的印度墨,她答,不曾,我不看chick -lit(少女读物)。 亦舒谈起她,说法却是:那时她对我说,倪匡他不理解,我得生存下去啊。 ...
評分第一眼就喜欢上荣版的名利场了 就冲入眼那个膘肥马壮,挽具锃亮 或许是更喜欢中国古典文化和文言文 荣老先生语言简练,无处不体现了他极深的文学造诣,让人拍手称赞 随便举两个例子 1、 荣如德: 失去怙恃的小劳拉马丁 杨必:没爹娘的小劳拉马丁 2、 荣:不消说,他是...
評分Vanity Fair (Penguin Classics) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024