图书标签: 城市 Urbanization 社会学 城市规划 美国 开卷8分钟 urban 社会
Planet of Slums pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
With a third of the global urban population already living in Dickensian slums, at least half under the age of twenty, Mike Davis explores the threat of disease, of forced settlement on hazardous terrains, and of state violence on huge populations. He shows also how poverty not only grew massively in the 1990s but how the gap between rich and poor countries expanded and how women and minorities fell further behind. Surveying the new urban poor from Bombay to Cairo, Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro, Mike Davis argues that this enormous population of marginalised labourers is not an industrious beehive of ambitious entrepreneurs but a stagnant ferment of extreme Darwinian competition which threatens to overflow the shanty-towns, and swamp the homes and businesses of the urban rich.
最后来了一把无政府。够呛。 前面的分析还是挺到位的
评分依然是Mike Davis 一贯的立场,只是少了些第一手研究,有点杂凑的嫌疑,不过还是好书。
评分Mike Davis is a typical urban-apocalyptic activist and he made a lot of criticism on the place (LA, California, where he is a native). An anti-wealthiness/power socialist, criticized the reformist as most of the reforms are tackling the superficial symptoms rather than the root: inequality. The arguments are too overwhelming for me.
评分基本上列数字,不停quote别人,but a helpful overview
评分基本上列数字,不停quote别人,but a helpful overview
起卡夫卡;至於老上海,它永遠都活在張愛玲的筆下;而巴黎這座光明之城,當然是屬於本雅明的了。在我們的想像裏面,這些城市和那些作家之間的故事簡直要比梁祝還浪漫,生死相許,可歌可泣。 所以今天的遊客去了布拉格一定躲不掉印著卡夫卡頭像的T恤。要是到了上海,有人會不辭...
评分文/梁捷 伟大的城市与贫民窟 维科认为,城市是文明涌现的象征,那大约发生在六千年之前。城市出现,人类才拥有真正意义上的历史。而就在最近几十年,我们又在经历另一场革命,全球城市数量和城市人口数量爆炸性增长,世界上大多数人正源源不断地从农村转移到城市,创造出一个又...
评分本书更像是作者列出主题脉络,然后寻找各种材料把它填满。当然佩服作者运用材料的能力,以及研究能力。 另外,全世界贪婪的人都是一样一样的。即使身处不同的文明,但是所有能想象到的贫民窟的真相,全世界都是一样的。 对于我国的叙述,这方面平时没有特别关注研究文献,倒是...
评分 评分2016年里约的奥运宣传片了,有美丽的海岸线,有发达的富人区,也有色彩斑斓的贫民窟。贫民窟里的孩子撒欢快跑,愉快踢球——宣传镜头下,贫民窟里的穷人是快乐的,但是这并非贫民窟里的真相! 《布满贫民窟的星球》一书,让我们看到了城市繁华掩盖下的大疮疤——“城市,不再是...
Planet of Slums pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025