圖書標籤: Lewis 文學 Sinclair
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Sinclair Lewis drew on his boyhood memories of Sauk Centre, Minnesota, to explore middle-class life in America as no writer had done before. These remarkable novels combine biting satire with an lingering affection for the men and women who, as he wrote of Babbitt, want to "seize something more than motor cars and a house before it's too late." "Main Street" was a phenomenal event in American publishing and cultural history; it is a wry, sad, funny account of a woman who attempts to challenge the hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness of her Midwestern community where the romance of the frontier has dwindled to drab reality. "He is America incarnate, exuberant and exqusite," H.L. Mencken said of George Babbitt. With this boisterous, vulgar, gadget-loving real estate man, Lewis fashioned a new and enduring figure in American literature, the total conformist--and captured the noisy restlessness of American commercial culture.
劉易斯(Sinclair Lewis,1885-1951)美國作傢。生於明尼蘇達州的索剋中心鎮,童年是在痛苦和孤獨中度過的,他被認為是個古怪的孩子,成為同伴們玩弄和嘲笑的對象。這段經曆使他對小鎮庸俗偏狹的生活深惡痛絕。17歲時,他遠離傢鄉到外地求學,經過半年預科學習,考入耶魯大學。在耶魯,他仍然是個局外人,這使他一度離開學校,去過厄普頓·辛剋萊創辦的社會主義居民試驗區和紐約、巴拿馬等地,後又重返學校。1908年大學畢業後,他在幾傢齣版公司靠打雜糊口,並開始創作。兩後後,他又到紐約做編輯工作。1914年,他的第一部長篇小說《我們的雷恩先生》問世。1916年,他辭去編輯工作,專門從事寫作。
Lewis pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025