图书标签: 艺术 艺术史论 艺术史 ART ernstgombrich Gombrich 经典 文化
The Story of Art pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
The Story of Art is a unique book. One of the reasons why it has been so successful, and so widely admired, is the unsurpassed clarity and vividness with which the author speaks of artistic creation. By clearly showing how every artist builds upon, or sometimes reacts against, the achievements of his predecessors, Professor Gombrich makes us responsive to the values of bygone civilizations embodied in individual works of art, without having to resort to generalizations.
The author's theme is the entire history of artistic creation: the first stirrings in cave and rock paintings: the magical art of the 'primitive' tribes; the old civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome; the Christian arts of the Middle Ages; the Renaissance and the immortal masterpieces created in Italy, the Netherlands and Germany; the splendor of the Baroque and the golden age of Dutch painting; the Rococo; the Age of Reason, which gave birth to the glories of English painting; the 'perpetual revolution' in the nineteenth century and the rise if Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism and Abstract Art: and in a penetrating last chapter the manifold experiments of our own time. Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Pre-Columbian art of the Americas also form part of the story. The narrative thread running through this book takes the reader up to the present day.
The book maintains a harmonious balance between text and illustrations: the 398 reproductions include many masterpieces. The integration of word and image is made fully effective by the fine quality of reproduction. The tremendous value put on this great book throughout the world is shown by the fact that is has been translated into seventeen languages.
An important new feature of this thirteenth edition is the chronological charts, which are intended to facilitate comparison of the time intervals covered by the periods and styles discussed in the book. The bibliography has also been expanded and updated, and the number of color plates almost trebled.
Sir Ernst Gombrich, C.B.E., was, until 1976, Director of the Warburg Institute and Professor of the History of the classical Tradition of the University of London. He has been Slade Professor of Fine Art at both Oxford and Cambridge, Professor of the History of Art at University College, London, Mellon Lecturer at the National Gallery, Washington, Visiting Professor at Harvard, Wrightsman Lecturer at the Institute of Fine Art, New York, and Andrew D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell, and has taught at many other universities and institutions. He has been elected to the membership of many learned societies and has received numerous decorations, honorary degrees and prized, including the Praemium Erasmianum of the 1975. His publications include Art and Illusion, Meditations on a Hobby Horse, Norm and Form, Symboli Images and The Heritage of Appelles.
深入浅出 梳理了自埃及开始到20世纪上半叶艺术的发展 着眼于每个时代艺术的任务和艺术家们所力图解决的问题
评分无论是语言,评价,态度,思路,都是非常非常值得一读再读的介绍艺术史的书!但最后两张Contemporary Art实在写得有些混乱,论证也非之前明确缜密,也怪当代艺术的发展本来就分支众多又互相影响。
评分深入浅出 梳理了自埃及开始到20世纪上半叶艺术的发展 着眼于每个时代艺术的任务和艺术家们所力图解决的问题
评分深入浅出 梳理了自埃及开始到20世纪上半叶艺术的发展 着眼于每个时代艺术的任务和艺术家们所力图解决的问题
评分深入浅出 梳理了自埃及开始到20世纪上半叶艺术的发展 着眼于每个时代艺术的任务和艺术家们所力图解决的问题
这本书的内容非常好啊! 开头翻看序言,只几页就吸引得放不下手了。作者的功力到底是世界顶尖大师级别的啊,全球视觉下独到新颖的开阔广度,用词简洁明快。范先生翻译也有信达雅的意境,非常不错。 20年前范先生就翻译过黑白旧版,1999年新16版由三联出版,现在再过了10年总算...
评分 评分从文艺复兴开始,简单的做了点笔记。 作者认为:“没有艺术这回事,只有艺术家而已。”所以全书尤其是到了文艺复兴时期以后基本是从单个艺术家来分析他们的作画信念和特点。我简单的笔记也是到了记载十九世纪的画家开始才用一点点文字概括了这个画家的特点或是信念。然后作者也...
评分艺术关乎于美学,而美学又属于哲学范畴,每个人都有自己的美学经。艺术不是狭义的美,更不是肤浅的真实。 只有美的艺术是空洞的,为追求美而失去内容的艺术,或是“只剩下美”的美,还美吗?如果每日从早到晚艳阳高照,人们便不会阳光有多美好,更不会为日出而欣喜,...
评分有很多同学分不清《艺术的故事》和《艺术发展史》之间的关系。我想有必要在这里说明一下下。 The Story of Art这本书最早翻译于上世纪80年代,那时候中国还没加入任何国际版权公约组织。翻译者范景中老师除了是一位优秀的翻译,还是美术史家,他在翻译这本书的过程中,有许多...
The Story of Art pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024