图书标签: 历史 剑桥中国史 中国历史 英汉对读 秦汉 海外中国研究 劍橋中國史 经史子集
The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 1 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This volume begins the historical coverage of The Cambridge History of China with the establishment of the Ch'in empire in 221 BC and ends with the abdication of the last Han emperor in AD 220. Spanning four centuries, this period witnessed major evolutionary changes in almost every aspect of China's development, being particularly notable for the emergence and growth of a centralized administration and imperial government. Owing to their pioneer achievements and the heritage that they left for later empires, these dynasties have rightly been regarded as a formative influence throughout Chinese history. Important archaeological discoveries of recent years have made a new approach possible for many aspects of the period. Leading historians from Asia, Europe, and America have contributed chapters that convey a realistic impression of significant political, economic, intellectual, religious, and social developments, and of the contacts that the Chinese made with other peoples at this time. Like the other volumes in the series, volume 1 summarizes the information given in primary sources in the light of the most recent critical scholarship. As the book is intended for the general reader as well as the specialist, technical details are given in both Chinese terms and English equivalents. References lead to primary sources and their translations and to secondary writings in European languages as well as Chinese and Japanese.
a better way to understand Chinese history .... than those traditional textbooks...
评分a better way to understand Chinese history .... than those traditional textbooks...
评分a better way to understand Chinese history .... than those traditional textbooks...
评分a better way to understand Chinese history .... than those traditional textbooks...
评分a better way to understand Chinese history .... than those traditional textbooks...
评分磨磨蹭蹭这周才读完,纯粹抱着去梳理秦汉历史大纲的想法去看的,但是感觉有些地方讲的不太明白,和匈奴的关系,征服西南夷等等有点语焉不详,对考古材料和出土文献的借鉴也不到位,但是至少还是让我草草了解了秦汉历史的脉络,同时也有不少灵感。 1.对于黄河泛滥问题在考古材料...
评分似乎更想是一篇论文集,由于涉及历史研究的各个方面,一些章节读起来有些晦涩,可能翻译水平也一般吧.但是西方的历史研究还是给了我新的思考角度, 比如说以前读中国的史书,很多东西似乎都是板上定钉的,因为xxxx书就是这么写的,但是这些就一定可信吗?是不是有其他独立的资料或者考...
评分秦皇汉武,这是多么让中国人自豪的名称。多么代中国人或称颂或指责。可是又有几人质疑过,秦始皇真是这么残暴吗?汉武帝国果真如此英明吗? 读毕此书,上述的疑问稍加解决。试举一例,秦国统一六国之战,史书杀人无数,如白起长平坑杀四十万人最为有名。可真有这么多人吗?当时...
评分剑桥中国秦汉史 1、由于各章的作者不一样,写作风格还是有点差异的 2、源于史籍,又不局限与史籍。摒弃史籍中夸张,猜想,诽谤等春秋笔法的内容 3、可怜汉唐盛世,外戚,宦官,潘镇,唉。。。 4、所谓的汉唐盛世,其实是汉民族的对外扩张史。 5、书里说的好,史籍都是着眼于政...
The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 1 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025