图书标签: 人物 english J金安平
The Four Sisters of Hofei pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Not since Wild Swans has Chinese history been so intimately encountered - through the stories of four sisters born between 1907 and 1914, a renowned historian examines a century of extraordinary change in Chinese culture and in women's lives. Now in their late eighties and early nineties, the four Chang sisters lived through a century of historic change in China. In this extraordinary work, assembled with the benefit of letters, diaries, family histories, poetry, journals and interviews, Annping Chin shapes the story of one family into a riveting chronicle that provides a unique insight into the old China and its transition into the new. From their father, the Chang sisters inherited reason and a belief in the virtues of modern education. From their mother they learned about the human spirit and the art of finding an appropriate path. The nurse-nannies - uneducated widows from the Hofei countryside - contributed their own opinions on modern ways. As the sisters grow up, one breaks with tradition to marry an actor, another marries one of China's greatest novelists; another, raised by her devout Buddhist grandaunt, is taught to be a rigorous practitioner of China's classical arts. The Chang sisters' prolific correspondence provides an intimate glimpse of private life, as well as a chronicle of the developments of the twentieth century, from prosperity to persecution, from foreign wars to Cultural Revolution. Four Sisters of Hofei is an intensely personal and sweeping story that illustrates the complex history of a complex culture.
金安平(Annping Chin),一九五O年也生于台湾,一九六二年移居美国,后于哥伦比亚大学获得中国思想哲学博士学位。现任教于耶鲁大学历史系。著有 Children of Chian:Voices form Recent Years,并与其夫婿史景迁(Jona than Spence)合著有The Chinese Century:A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years.
评分当然,四姐妹中,以三姐张兆和最为人知晓,因为她是沈从文的夫人,大家津津乐道的是沈从文当年如何追她的那段佳话。 90年代中期开始,二姐张允和接二连三出了几本关于张家的书,一时间张家四姐妹(张元和、张允和、张兆和、张充和,分别嫁给了四位名人:昆曲名伶顾传玠、...
评分过去的品质——《合肥四姐妹》 对这本书感兴趣,最初的原因,无非我也是个合肥人,想看看这书里的合肥,与我脑际心畔的合肥,会有怎样的重叠。小心翼翼读完第一章,里面连篇的琐细资料有条理地组织,四姐妹的母亲出嫁的情形立体起来,“嫁妆队伍从四牌楼一直延伸到龙门巷...
评分几年前读的《张家旧事》更像回忆录,近期读的《合肥四姐妹》则为纪录片。 母亲从扬州嫁至合肥,与父亲相敬如宾,生养众多儿女,给他们富足的生活条件、贴身的服侍保姆、良好的教育资源。孩子们逐渐长大成人,个个优雅淡然,有大家风范。 读的时候,经常感叹教育的重要性。 合肥...
The Four Sisters of Hofei pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025