图书标签: 女性 凯特・肖邦 美国文学 小说 美国小说 美国 灵魂与大海的幻灭与涅磐 文学
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Kate Chopin, was born Katherine O'Flaherty in St. Louis on Feburary8,1851, of a prosperous Irish-born merchant father and an aristocratic Creole mother. She studied piano, wrote poetry, and read Dickens, Austen, Goethe, de Stael, and the Brontes. Despite her free spirit--she was once nicknamed the "littlest rebel" for yanking down a Union flag--Kate grew to be a leading social belle, admired for her wit and beauty.
In 1870 she married Oscar Chopin. Matrimony did not quell her independence; she dressed unconventionally, took long unchaperoned walks, and smoked cigarettes. In their twelve years of married life, she bore six children, and upon Oscar's sudden death in 1882 she took over the management of the Chopin family plantation in Natchitoches, Louisana. She turned seriously to writing shortly thereafter, publishing stories in Vogue and Atlantic Monthly. She wrote a novel, At Fault(1890), Bayou Folk, a collection of stories(1894), A Night in Acadie, a second collection (1897), and her masterpiece The Awakening(1899), which aroused a national scandal for its "indecency." Banned by libraries, it even prevented her admission into the St. Louis Fine Arts Club--even though Kate Chopin was famous for her literary salon, which attracted distinguished artists and writers from all over the country.
Always sensitive to criticism, Chopin was devastated by the furor that surrounded the publication of The Awakening, and its harsh reception ultimately caused her to stop writing. When she died in 1904, she had been denied the recognition she desperately wanted and richly deserved.
评分诗一般的语言,是凯特•肖邦的小说一贯的特点,在《觉醒》中更是表现得尽致淋漓。爱德娜之觉醒顾虑重重,却也是义无反顾的,有“宁为玉碎不为瓦全”的决绝。 想起了《献给阿尔吉侬的花束》《科学怪人》《红楼梦》这些小说里主人公心境的跌宕起伏,尤其是搅乱他们心灵的那些千百愁肠,似乎都是从“觉醒”开始的,正印证了那句古话“人生识字忧愁始,事事盲心喜乐终”。 不管怎么说,识字绝不是坏事,觉醒也不是原罪,万恶的根源其实在社会。像爱德娜这样的觉醒也绝不是没有意义的,一个人的力量虽小,但如果是一群人呢? 终有一天,包容着爱德娜的海浪会席卷上岸,海水渗入家家户户的门前厅堂,唤醒每一个沉睡的人。 我情愿自己是醒着的人,思考想思考的,选择心选择的,不回头地走下去,问心无愧,老而无悔
评分乍看三观清奇 一个拥有一切的女人的作死故事 但是仔细思考却非常能与Edna感同身受 然而这样茫然的挣扎注定最后结局是悲剧的 All liberation affects good and evil equally;the liberation of morals and minds entails crime and catastrophes.
心理活动太多,故事有点压抑,而且文笔也不太是我喜欢的风格。用词比较简单,篇幅不长(是不是长篇小说啊?篇幅这么短)就这俩点来说诚意推荐。总之,个人感觉是时代意义大于艺术价值。 kate chopin还写过短篇,有些还是很有意思的
评分我不知道该如何评论Edna这个女性,正如首页上有读者写到,醒了却还是困着的,所以呢,与其这样折磨自己,为什么不直接困顿着算了。 Edna的觉醒在我们现在看来完全是应该的,在父权社会下压制的女性开始慢慢的苏醒,意识到自己原来只是被丈夫视作了一个附属品,仅...
评分<The Awakening>写于1899年, 出版后因主题的尺度遭受监禁和批评, 直到作者去世几十年后才被认定为19世纪美国文学的重要一章. 书里有一个美丽的女人, 已婚, 成为丈夫和儿子的财产. 晒了一夏天太阳和遇到情人之后她决定不再昏头昏脑的活着. 是悲剧还是希望别人无法评判, 醒来的...
评分 评分在《觉醒》的第三章中,受到丈夫莫名其妙的责难后,因为心中“一股难以言喻的抑郁之感”,使艾德娜“眼泪来得太凶,睡袍的袖子已经湿透,无法再擦拭更多的泪水了”。至第十七章,回到漫步大道上的好宅后,艾德娜不再“唯夫是从”,甚至“脱下结婚戒指,丢到地毯上”。虽然其后...
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