圖書標籤: 迴憶錄 Edward-Said EdwardSaid Memoir 薩義德 生活 Said 記錄
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From one of the most important intellectuals of our time comes an extraordinary story of exile and a celebration of an irrecoverable past. A fatal medical diagnosis in 1991 convinced Edward Said that he should leave a record of where he was born and spent his childhood, and so with this memoir he rediscovers the lost Arab world of his early years in Palestine, Lebanon, and Egypt.
Said writes with great passion and wit about his family and his friends from his birthplace in Jerusalem, schools in Cairo, and summers in the mountains above Beirut, to boarding school and college in the United States, revealing an unimaginable world of rich, colorful characters and exotic eastern landscapes. Underscoring all is the confusion of identity the young Said experienced as he came to terms with the dissonance of being an American citizen, a Christian and a Palestinian, and, ultimately, an outsider. Richly detailed, moving, often profound, Out of Place depicts a young man's coming of age and the genesis of a great modern thinker.
薩義德(Edward W.Said,1935-2003),當今世界最具影響力的文學與文化批評傢之一,1963年起為哥倫比亞大學英國文學與比較文學教授。代錶性著作有:《東方學》(1978;曾獲美國國傢書評傢奬,三聯書店1999年齣版中譯本)、《巴勒斯坦問題》(1979)、《世界・文本・批評傢》(1983)、《文化與帝國主義》(1993;三聯書店2003年齣版中譯本)、《知識分子論》(1994;三聯書店2001年齣版中譯本)以及《流離失所的政治:巴勒斯坦自決的奮鬥,1969-1994》(1994)等。薩義德還是有名的樂評傢、歌劇鑒賞傢、鋼琴傢,並為巴勒斯坦在西方世界最雄辯的代言人。
評分在本學期life writing書單裏不太符閤我的胃口
評分在本學期life writing書單裏不太符閤我的胃口
評分A self-important portrait in French demeanor
萨义德博士的心血杰作,细述幽微之处读来颇为动人,决不亚于一部伟大的断代史。既饱含深情,又绝不故布疑阵、引人误入歧途。透过他多年的省思注视,那些被历史遗忘的人物将再次跃然纸上。他们是这样活灵活现,血肉丰满,令人不禁赞叹著述者的精妙笔力和对生活的洞彻感悟。 我们...
評分一路纠结地读下来,到了尾声忽然间豁然开朗。 算是明白了“格格不入”的深层原因:与其说是融合了埃及、以色列、巴勒斯坦、美国、欧洲各地的悲欢离合,战争与动乱的阻隔,英语大环境下对于希伯来语系的不宽容······除此之外,更重要的是,作者那一颗自由的心,一...
評分长久以来一直为自己的独立而孤独的个性而困惑,直到偶然地捡起Edward Said的作品,不想竟从此为自己觅得了一份前路的指南。从Out of Place(格格不入),到Representations of the Intellectual (知识分子论),到After the last sky,再到Orientalism(东方学),几乎是按着...
Out of Place pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025