图书标签: Lewis_Carroll 1984 西学 待 Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
评分off with his head!!
评分It's a very queer, hilarious, but equally complicated fairy tale. Seriously, I couldn't understand it very well. And worst of all, I am too old and rigid to follow all the fascinating clues to be amused and thrilled. Anyway, it’s full of logics, philosophical thinkings expressed in metaphors. See, a serious mathematician can do more than his job.
评分牛津大学基督学院的数学老师写给院长的女儿Alice Liddell的故事书,向她求婚的时候他们相差22岁。。
说起荒诞,你脑海中第一个蹦出的名字是什么?《等待戈多》、《局外人》或者《恋爱的犀牛》?我猜大概不会是《爱丽丝梦游奇境记》吧。不过,信不信有你,这部众所周知的儿童小说也拥有一个不容小觑的标签——十九世纪英国荒诞文学的高峰。 其实今天下午合上《爱丽丝》的时候...
评分在梦境的世界里,一切都皆有可能。你可以看到许多稀奇古怪的动物,也可以碰到许多稀奇古怪的人物,他们都有些稀奇古怪的脾气,说着一些稀奇古怪的话。 爱丽丝与姐姐在河边玩耍,看到一只大白兔,跟着他走到了树边的兔子洞,与大白兔一起掉进了洞里,一切的冒险从这里开始…… ...
评分下面是在网上读到的童书推广人 王林 对本书的评论,很喜欢,跟大家分享一下 中国的童书市场,长久以来是一个劣币驱逐良币的市场。那些认真创作、认真设计、认真翻译、认真出版的书,往往没有很好的市场回报。因为一认真,成本会高,书价会高,书价高后就处于竞争劣势——特别...
评分To Alice The Never Grown-up Dear Alice, You must have never forgotten that sunny, sleepy also boring afternoon you spent with your sister on the bank and how it turned into such an interesting, fantastic and amazing adventure! The dreamy, golde...
评分To Alice The Never Grown-up Dear Alice, You must have never forgotten that sunny, sleepy also boring afternoon you spent with your sister on the bank and how it turned into such an interesting, fantastic and amazing adventure! The dreamy, golde...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025