图书标签: crime Thriller PatriciaCornwell
BLACK NOTICE pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
An intriguing Dr Kay Scarpetta novel which will take Kay an ocean's breadth away from home. The case begins when a cargo ship arriving at Richmond, Virginia's Deep Water Terminal from Belgium is discovered to be transporting a locked, sealed container holding the decomposed remains of a stowaway. The post mortem performed by the Chief Medical Examiner, Kay Scarpetta, initially reveals neither a cause of death nor an identification. But the victim's personal effects and an odd tattoo take Scarpetta on a hunt for information that leads to Interpol's headquarters in Lyon, where she receives critical instructions: go to the Paris morgue to receive secret evidence and then return to Virginia to carry out a mission. It is a mission that could ruin her career. In a story which crosses international borders, BLACK NOTICE puts Dr Kay Scarpetta directly in harm's way and places her and those she holds dear at mortal risk. For more on Patricia Cornwell and her books visit her website at www.patricia-cornwell.com
出生於佛羅里達州的邁阿密,畢業後即嫁給年長她17歲的英國文學教授。她的第一份工作是主跑社會新聞的記者,1984年她在維吉尼亞州的法醫部門謀得一份工作當一名檢驗紀錄員。1984-86年間,康薇爾根據自身的法醫工作經驗寫下了3本小說,但卻處處碰壁。經過一番修改後,她終於在1990年出版了她的第一本偵探小說《屍體會說話》。這本書問世後一炮而紅,為她贏得1991年愛倫坡獎最佳年度新人獎、約翰•克雷西獎最佳新人獎、Anthony、Macavity獎,以及法國的Prix du Roman d'Adventurei獎。此後,康薇爾以女法醫為背景陸續寫了9本書,這些作品不僅是暢銷排行榜上的常客,也翻譯成多種語言,其中《From Potter's Field》還改拍成電影。
康薇爾作品 :《屍體會說話》•《殘骸線索》•《失落的指紋》•《肉體證據》
BLACK NOTICE pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025