图书标签: 英文 外国文学 真實紀錄 历史 WWII 英文原版 AnneFrank 成長
The Diary of a Young Girl pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
《THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL(安妮日记)》Anne Frank's extraordinary diary, written in the Amsterdam attic where she and her family hid from the naxis for two years, has become a world classic and a timeless testament to the human spirit. Nowk, in a new edition enriched by many passages originally withheld by her father, we meet and Anne more real ,more human, and more vital than ever.
Here she is first and foremost a teenage girl-stubbornly honest ,touchingly vulnerable, in love with life. She imparts her deeply secet world of sous-searching and hungering for affection,m rebllious clashes with her mother, romance and newly discovered sexuality, and wry candid observations of her companions. Facing hunger, fear of discovery and death ,and the petty frustrations of such confined puarters Anne writes with adult wisdom and views beyond her yeras. Her story is that of every teenager,lived out in conditions few teenagers have ever known.
安妮・弗兰克(Anne Frank)1929年6月12日生,1945年死于德国贝尔森集中营时,距离她的16岁生日尚差3个月。
奥托・弗兰克(Otto H.Frank)安妮・弗兰克的父亲,是弗兰克一家经历纳粹恐怖统治后的唯一幸存者。他的余生致力传扬女儿的日记,1980年去世。
评分war and humanity
“保留自己感觉和感情的历史,我等于活了两次,过去将会返回,而未来也就潜藏其中。” ——德拉克鲁瓦(法) 日记体作品的最大启发便是如题记所说,给予读者真实的历史感,将一整段不属于你的时空完整地呈现在你面...
评分不知道大家是否和我有一样的感受:安妮对自己的感受对身边的人的感受以及对她生活的感受就像我一样,时而觉得生活充满着快乐与希望,时而又觉得苦闷不已仿佛全世界没有人能够理解一个年轻的孩子的想要过她美好生活的时候。 我觉得她告诉我了很多怎么去面对自己...
评分6月,突然接到一个老友的邀请,于是匆匆踏上了前往阿姆斯特丹的旅程。 刻板印象中,从这座城市联想到的除了郁金香,自行车和运河,就只有大麻和红灯区。 却没有联想到,这里还拥有大量梵高,林布兰特,哈尔斯等艺术巨匠的传世之作;这里还是那本家喻户晓的《安妮日记》的真实...
评分I finished reading this book on the train coming back to Beijing, during which journey I can't cheer up for many reasons, but this book can't be blamed for my recent depression at all, to the contrary, I should say I can't admire this lovely girl more and ...
评分自己根据一些资料整理的 版本A:这是日记的原始版本,安妮一共用了四本日记本。第一本是父亲送给她作为13岁生日礼物的红色花格子封面的日记本。第二本由克莱门先生买给安妮,记下了1943年的大部分日记,不过这本已经丢失。第三本和第四本保存了下来,其中第三本有着黑色的封皮...
The Diary of a Young Girl pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025